Unit Order: #07-125/20 |
Effective Date: 01-29-2013 Revision Date: 03-19-2019 Review Date: 03-19-2021 |
Subject: Building 900 Sergeant Video Movement Board |
Reference: MPP 3-10/05.00; CDM 7-02/020.00, 7-04/000.00; NCCF UO 07-125/10 |
Unit Commander Signature: ORIGINAL SIGNED Date: 11/28/2018 |
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for placement of inmate names on the 900 Sergeant’s Video Movement Board (SVMB).
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
In order to ensure the highest level of safety for staff and inmates, the following procedures shall be adhered to:
Inmates whose names are posted on the SVMB in Max Control and the 900 sergeant’s office shall not be handcuffed at their cell until a sergeant is present along with a designated staff member to video record the handcuffing and movement of the inmate. The sergeant shall direct the handcuffing of the inmate at the handcuffing port of the cell door. The sergeant shall then escort the inmate to the intended location along with at least two Department members, one member being a deputy.
Inmates who enter or are currently housed in the 900 building under the following conditions shall have their name placed on the SVMB:
The following information shall be included when placing an inmate’s information on the SVMB and updated as needed.
This information shall be identical on both the 900 building sergeant’s office and 900 Max Control boards. Signage shall be posted on the cell doors of inmates listed on the SVMB indicating they are to be a “SGT VIDEO” escort inmate. A copy of the inmate’s Inmate Report Tracking System (IRTS) history shall be posted with this signage on the cell door.
Inmates placed on the SVMB are typically newly assigned to pre-discipline housing or are currently housed in discipline housing. Inmates housed in the 900 building may also be placed on the SVMB at the discretion of the 900 building sergeant or shift watch commander.
900 building personnel shall notify the Inmate Processing Area (IPA) personnel of inmates leaving for court who are listed on the SVMB. IPA personnel shall notify 900 building personnel when these inmates return from court.
The 900 building sergeant shall be responsible for ensuring both SVMBs are updated as needed, as well as reviewing both boards at the beginning and end of each shift to verify their accuracy.
The 900 building sergeant shall conduct a briefing with the entire 900 building staff at the beginning of each shift to discuss each inmate listed on the SVMB to ensure each staff member has a complete understanding of the movement requirements for each inmate listed.
The Force Prevention Policy and Recalcitrant Inmate Policy shall be adhered to at all times when escorting inmates listed on the SVMB (MPP 3-10/005.00; CDM 7-02/020.00).