05-020/10 Firearms Qualification





Unit Order:  #05-020/10

Effective Date:  01-01-1998

Revision Date:  10-13-2016

Review Date:   

Subject:                     Firearms Qualification

Reference:                MPP 3-01/050.65

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:


PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for firearms qualifications for this facility.

SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all sworn personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).


Personnel shall comply with the Manual of Policy and Procedures (3-01/050.65) "Shooting Requirements" and the following unit procedures.

The NCCF scheduling unit shall post LASD range qualification dates and hours for the mobile range assigned at NCCF on the NCCF website.  When possible, personnel shall be permitted to qualify on duty.  All on-duty qualifications shall occur with the prior knowledge and approval of the employee's supervisor.

When an employee is unable to qualify on duty, the deputy may fulfill the requirement during off-duty hours.  Overtime pay for fulfilling the shooting requirement can be claimed only with prior approval of the unit commander and when this requirement cannot be scheduled during on-duty hours. Additional shooting time for practice shall be on the employee's own time.

Personnel shall fill out a range Scantron and turn it into the range operator. After qualifying, personnel shall sign the blue training roster and retain the shooting card receipt from the Scantron as proof of score.

All personnel who are required to qualify shall submit a copy of their shooting card receipt to NCCF training for input into the NCCF shooting qualification tracker, which is posted on the NCCF training intranet page.