Unit Order: #05-020/15
Effective Date: 01-01-1998
Revision Date:
Review Date:
Subject: Firearms Safety
Reference: MPP 3-01/025.45, 3-01/050.75, 3-03/210.05, 3-10/130.00;
CDM 3-01/090.00; UO 05-020/10
Unit Commander Signature: Date:
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures regarding firearms safety.
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
All personnel will strictly adhere to all Departmental Safety Rules which apply to firearms and ammunition. The following guidelines are listed in order to prevent the accidental discharge or loss of a firearm in this facility.
- Never point a gun, loaded or unloaded, at anyone unless you intend to shoot. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire.
- Treat every gun as if it is loaded and never take the word of another person that a gun is not loaded. Personally inspect every firearm that you handle to verify its condition.
- Personnel shall not dry fire their weapons anywhere at NCCF unless it is done inside the mobile range and only when authorized by the range master.
- Personal on-duty and off-duty firearms shall be stored in the gun lockers located in the front lobby of the Administration Building (Building 100) or secured inside a locked vehicle prior to entering NCCF. Sworn personnel shall secure their on-duty firearm in the gun lockers located in the front lobby of Building 100 whenever they are on-duty.
- Never leave a gun unattended.
- Horseplay or unsafe handling practices with firearms will not be tolerated.
- Loading and unloading of any handgun shall only occur at the designated loading areas in a safe manner unless prior approval is obtained from a supervisor. The loading areas are located:
- - at the front entrance of the Administration Building where a bullet trap has been placed
- - adjacent to the NCCF Mobile Range where an additional bullet trap has been placed
- All personnel shall use these locations to load and unload handguns. Rifles and shotguns shall be loaded and unloaded outside of the facility buildings. The only exception shall be during a tactical situation where firearms are deployed.
- Remember: think, teach, practice, and obey firearms safety.
- Any discharge of a firearm shall be immediately reported to the Watch Commander.