05-020/05 Emergency Response Team (ERT) / Disaster / Safety Equipment





Unit Order:  #05-020/05

Effective Date:  01-01-1998

Revision Date: 

Review Date:   

Subject:                        Emergency Response Team (ERT) / Disaster / Safety Equipment

Reference:                   None

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:


PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this unit order is to establish guidelines regarding ERT mobilization and safety equipment issues.

SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all sworn personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).


Pursuant to Division Order #32, Emergency Response and Command Policy, this facility shall have personnel qualified to form an ERT response.  This team will receive special training, be equipped with additional safety gear and employ tactics during operations.

The threat of a major disaster (natural or man-made) mandates this order.  It is designed as a guide for facility Watch Commanders.  The NCCF ERT is designed as a self-supporting tactical unit.  This team concept allows the ERT to perform a variety of functions and missions without major reorganization or acquisition of additional equipment.  The ERT can react quicker and exercise greater flexibility.

A team of eleven (11) deputies and one (1) supervisor can provide:

1.        Response to internal or external facility emergency situations

2.        An armed team for backup security at another facility.

3.        A team equipped with anti-riot gear, including non-lethal weapons and chemical agents.

4.        Personnel trained in crowd control techniques.

5.        Personnel capable of forming an armed perimeter at another facility.

6.        Personnel capable of basic fire fighting, equipped with breathing apparatus (SCBA).

7.        Personnel available for an area or building search team.

8.        Personnel capable of general field assistance to a patrol station.

9.        A team with limited anti-sniper capability.

Any of the mission responses listed above can be increased through a larger deployment.  The NCCF is capable of fielding a platoon of fifty six (56) personnel, if the facility is locked down and mobilized.  Two ERT squads or twenty four (24) personnel can be deployed without mobilization.

The ability of an ERT is dependent, to some degree, on their transportation.  This facility has bus transportation available twenty four (24) hours per day.

The normal duration of deployment will be eight (8) hours.  During Division mobilization or Departmental mobilization, personnel will be assigned to duty for twelve (12) hour shifts.  The team may be deployed for longer periods of time when logistical planning has been provided for basic necessities (i.e. food, sanitation, clothing and rest).  The Watch Commander shall consider the activation of the Sub-EOC if the incident involves more than this facility's ERT in an internal NCCF incident.

Operational Deployment

When a request is taken for the NCCF ERT to respond inside or outside this facility, Central Control shall order all ERT members to respond to a designated assembly area.  When a request is taken or received by Central Control following a facility lockdown, Central Control will notify the Watch Commander and the Watch Sergeant.

Regardless of the ERT response location, all reporting procedures shall be in effect, including the Use of Force, Use of Chemical Agents, Use of the Taser, Use of Deadly Force and Shots Fired.