05-020/02 Air Pack Testing





Unit Order:  #05-020/02

Effective Date:  01-01-1998

Revision Date: 

Review Date:   

Subject:                        Air Pack Testing

Reference:                   CDM 3-14/050.00

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:


PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for maintaining air-pack proficiency through recurrent training.

SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all sworn and custody assistant personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).


NCCF is equipped with Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), commonly known as "air packs".  The air packs are for use during specific types of emergencies requiring rescuers and response personnel to have a safe air source.  In order to ensure proficiency with this equipment all Custody Assistants, deputies, sergeants and lieutenants shall demonstrate their skill with an air pack at least once every six (6) months.

The test must be performed in less than fifty (50) seconds under the supervision of a Bonus-1 or Sergeant.  Each deputy will receive an air pack test form in their mailbox.  The form will be identified with the name and employee number of each employee to be tested.  Additionally, each form will include a due date to return the form to the Training Unit.  Every supervisor conducting an air pack test will complete the form below the bolded line, then sign on the appropriate line.

The NCCF Training Unit will maintain a permanent file and provide monthly updates of qualifications.