05-020/00 Quarterly Fire Drills





Unit Order:  #05-020/00

Effective Date:  01-01-1998

Revision Date: 

Review Date:   

Subject:                     Quarterly Fire Drills

Reference:                CDM 3-14/50.00 & 3-14/130.00

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:


PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this unit order is to establish procedures for mandated quarterly fire drills.

SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).


The Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Lieutenant shall ensure the NCCF Training Unit schedules and conducts one fire drill each quarter (4 times per year).  The training shall include:

  • Coordination with and use of the Los Angeles County Fire Department (2 times per year – semiannually)
  • Contacting Santa Clarita Sheriff's Station to advise them of the drill
  • Use of the facility fire plan (UO 08-030/00 Emergency Operations Procedures – Fire Safety Plan)
  • Use of air packs (SCBA), generators, and ventilation shut off procedures (generators will be tested independently by Facilities Management Department on a monthly basis)

This quarterly training shall include the physical evacuation of prisoners and employees from the affected area.  Refer to Unit Order 08-060/00 Evacuation Plan.

Additional fire drills, which only involve facility personnel, shall be scheduled so that each shift is involved in a fire drill each quarter. The training shall be organized to provide realism and effective measurement of performance.  The Training Sergeant may coordinate fire drills with the Rancho Training Unit or any unit at the Pitchess Detention Center (PDC) to improve the skills of our personnel.

Fire drills shall be documented on the fire drill record sheet and logged in the Watch Commander’s Log.

Any equipment deficiencies, damage or failures shall be reported on a memo (SHAD-32) to the Training Sergeant.