Unit Order: #05-015/30 |
Effective Date: 08-23-2016 Revision Date: Review Date: |
Subject: Supervising Line Deputy Mentoring Program |
Reference: CDM 3-02/045.05 |
Unit Commander Signature: Date: |
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this unit order is to establish a mentoring program for supervising line deputies assigned to the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF), specifically the NCCF training unit and supervising line deputies.
The NCCF training unit has established a 90-day mentoring program for newly assigned supervising line deputies. This program begins with an orientation that presents the newly assigned supervising line deputy with an outline of the mentoring program, and assigns them a mentor (at the rank of sergeant), who will remain assigned to them throughout the duration of the program.
The training sergeant shall ensure a list of mentoring resources is available which include: videos, recordings, and other Departmental aids when needed.
The supervising line deputy training program consists of:
The training orientation will consist of:
The training program curriculum will consist of an overview of the following items:
A mentoring book is provided to each newly assigned supervising line deputy, which includes a checklist of subject areas and tasks that must be completed. As each subject area is covered and each task completed, the supervising line deputy and their sergeant mentor shall discuss the topics. Both shall initial the items once they are satisfied the subjects were sufficiently covered and understood. Supporting documentation is to be added to this book as it is completed.
Once the checklist has been completed, the mentoring book will be submitted to the NCCF training sergeant who will review it. The training sergeant will also discuss the completion of the training book with the concerned supervising line deputy’s sergeant mentor to ascertain if the mentor program was sufficiently completed.
The training sergeant shall meet with the B1 deputy once the completed mentoring book and mentor sergeant’s recommendation is received. This final meeting will provide the training sergeant the opportunity to review the B1 deputy’s mentoring program and enable the B1 deputy to ask questions or present any concerns prior to being signed off of mentoring status.
The concerned supervising line deputy’s mentoring book will be retained in the NCCF training files once they have completed this mentoring program.