Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Unit Order: #07-175/65 |
Effective Date: 01-01-1999 Reviewed Date: 04-19-2024 |
Subject: Voluntary Programs |
Reference: CCR Title 15, Section 1061 and 1070; CDM 5-13/130.00 |
Unit Commander Signature: Date: |
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for inmates participating in
voluntary programs.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County
Correctional Facility (NCCF).
Inmates may obtain applications for rehabilitation programs or school from staff station personnel. Completed applications shall be forwarded to Inmate Services for review and to note the inmate's job assignment, work hours, and length of sentence.
Applications shall then be forwarded to Education Based Incarceration (EBI) personnel at NCCF for evaluation. If accepted, the inmate will receive a schedule and a pass to the program. The program supervisor will then add the inmate to the "class roster" which is updated on a regular basis. Denied requests shall be returned to the inmate with a brief written explanation.
Dedicated classrooms are located in Building [REDACTED TEXT] and follow this schedule:
First period is from 0800 – 1100 hrs.
Second period is from 1200 – 1430 hrs.
Classes held in the indoor recreation rooms of housing units are scheduled to run as late as 1830 hours in some cases, but most are typically scheduled to end at 1500 hours.
Participation in other Inmate Services’ activities is not permitted while in school.
Class-style activities shall not be conducted in Building [REDACTED TEXT]. School activities may be taken to inmates housed in Building [REDACTED TEXT] and presented on an individual basis.
Rehabilitation services such as alcohol and/or drug abuse counseling, and church services are offered by outside agencies. These services shall be conducted in the indoor recreation rooms, located within each inmate’s housing building.
These services are generally scheduled Monday through Friday during these time periods:
Participation in other activities is not permitted while attending rehabilitation services.
During scheduled hours, limited counseling may be provided to inmates housed in the [REDACTED TEXT] Building on an individual basis.