Unit Order: #07-175/60 |
Effective Date: 01-01-1999 Reviewed Date: 03-14-2023 |
Subject: Telephone Procedures |
Reference: CDM 5-13/020.00; CCR Title 15, Section 1067 |
Unit Commander Signature: Date: |
The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for telephone usage by inmates.
This order applies to all personnel assigned to and/or working at the North County
Correctional Facility (NCCF).
General Procedures
Each housing area has several “collect call only” telephones that shall be made reasonably accessible for inmate use.
Central control shall turn the phones off during “lights out” (2200 hours to 0700 hours Monday through Friday and 0000 hours to 0700 hours Saturday and Sunday). Exceptions to these hours can be made with the watch commander's approval.
Phone access may be restricted during routine activities such as inmate meals, count, pill call, clothing exchanges, or during emergencies such as inmate disturbances. Any other restrictions to telephone usage shall require approval of the building sergeant or watch commander and shall be logged into the electronic-Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).
There are also two telephones in the inmate services office, located in the [REDACTED TEXT]
building that are collect call only telephones. Inmates shall receive a pass from their housing officer and permission from an inmate services employee to utilize the telephones in the inmate services office.The chaplains’ offices may also offer direct, nonpayment calls to inmates with urgent problems (the inmate must contact a chaplain or inmate services and state their reason for the call). All chaplain assisted calls shall be dialed and monitored by a chaplain.
Building [REDACTED TEXT] Procedures for Non-General Population Inmates
Telephone use for inmates housed in the [REDACTED TEXT]-building is restricted to dayroom time only. These restrictions are for “keep-away” inmates, violent inmates, etc. There is also a phone for use in the outdoor yard room of each staff station for inmate use during yard time.
The pre-disciplinary inmates are allowed the same access to phones as general population inmates, whenever possible.
Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD)
Inmate services maintains a “TDD” phone for those inmates who require a hearing-impaired phone system and is available during regular inmate services hours upon request.
Building [REDACTED TEXT] has one “TDD” phone specifically for inmates housed there. It is available to inmates at the discretion of the [REDACTED TEXT]-building sergeant.