07-164/05 Inmate Housekeeping & Supplies

Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department







Unit Order:  #07-164/05

Effective Date:  02-01-2012

Reviewed Date: 01-24-2024

Subject: Inmate Housekeeping & Supplies

Reference: CDM 4-07/020.00; NCCF UO 02-030/45; NCCF Maintenance & Housekeeping Manual

Unit Commander Signature:                                                   Date:


PURPOSE OF ORDER:     The purpose of this unit order is to establish a standard for the quantity of cleaning implements and supplies each building is to have on hand to maintain effective building cleanliness.


SCOPE OF ORDER:          This order applies to all inmate housing locations at the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).





All inmate housing areas shall ensure the following supplies are available for use by inmates to maintain clean and sanitary conditions within their housing areas.  All housing buildings shall adhere to the cleaning schedule noted in the NCCF Housekeeping Manual that is posted on the home page of the NCCF website.  Cleaning supplies should be provided after every meal and may be provided upon request by an inmate.


[REDACTED TEXT] personnel shall ensure all inmates are allowed to have cell cleaning supplies upon request or as soon as feasible.  [REDACTED TEXT] Inmates shall be given the opportunity to clean their cells daily, after the evening meal.



Each mop room (upper and lower deck) will maintain the following standard quantity of supplies:

  • two mop buckets
  • two mop handles
  • two mop heads (issued weekly, replace and discard old)
  • two push brooms
  • two tall scrub brushes
  • one dust mop
  • one green scrub pads
  • one 55-gallon drum of Citricide (all-purpose cleaner/disinfectant) connected to a dispensing unit which pre-measure the proper ration of cleaner to water. (Use to clean floors, wall, showers, toilets, sinks, tables and phones in dorms)
  • one gallon Mainsite (blue window cleaner, use to clean windows and table tops outside of dorms)
  • two re-useable quart spray bottles labeled “Mainsite” for dispensing window cleaner
  • two quart spray bottles “Turbo Kill” (disinfectant/fungicide, use to clean staff stations, staff bathrooms and inmate mattresses outside dorms)
  • two re-useable bottles labels “Citri Cide” (for issuing a pre-mixed solution of the disinfectant/cleaner inside the dorm)


Building staff will monitor the distribution and return of cleaning implements and supplies to each dorm as follows:

  • one broom
  • one mop
  • one scrub brush
  • one green pad
  • two bottles pre-mixed Citri-Cide
  • Latex gloves (not line-server gloves)
  • Rags


Following each distribution of meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), the above listed cleaning supplies shall be distributed to each individual dorm.

Building staff will monitor the proper cleaning of mattresses with TurboKill prior to re-issuing to incoming inmates.

Warehouse staff will monitor mop room needs weekly and replenish stock as needed to maintain Standard.


Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 

MSDS Sheets are located at the front of the facility (in front of the elevator in [REDACTED TEXT]), in the Title 15 Sergeant’s Office, and posted on the NCCF website on each building’s web page.

All personnel shall refer to these sheets for the proper use of cleaning supplies.