Unit Order: #07-145/10 |
Effective Date: 08-14-2012 Revision Date: 03-04-2019 Review Date: 03-04-2021 |
Subject: Personal Property Searches |
Reference: CDM 3-01/090.00-090.15, 3-10/010.00; Custody Directive 17-001; Custody Division Memo #212617 |
Unit Commander Signature: ORIGINAL SIGNED Date: 09/15/2018 |
PURPOSE OF ORDER: The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding personal property brought inside secured areas of the North County Correctional Facility (NCCF).
SCOPE OF ORDER: This order applies to all personnel entering NCCF.
All personnel entering NCCF shall refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 3-01/090.00, “Security of Personal Property,” to determine what personal property is prohibited and approved inside secured areas of NCCF. Any deviation from this policy must be approved by the unit commander.
All packages, bags, briefcases, lunch boxes, etc., shall be randomly checked prior to anyone entering or leaving the facility. A minimum of four (4) random searches per shift, per week of any personnel and/or official visitors shall be conducted at the discretion of the watch sergeant.
This security check will occur in the hallway adjacent to the watch sergeant’s office and conducted by the watch sergeant. The watch sergeant shall be assisted in this task with available line sergeants as well as the watch deputy.
The watch sergeant may change the location, time, or duration of the search effort, based on facility conditions.
The watch deputy shall be responsible for completing a Personnel Search Form and submitting it. This form is accessible on the watch crew’s page of the NCCF intranet site and is designed to be submitted directly to the operations staff. Operations shall maintain a log of personnel searches that is updated and accessible to watch crew personnel (NCCF lieutenants, sergeants, and supervising line deputies) via the link posted on the watch crew’s intranet page.
Operations shall conduct a weekly audit to ensure a sufficient number of random searches have been completed each week by the watch crews. The result of this audit shall be submitted to the operations sergeant, who will address any deficiencies with the watch crews.
When appropriate, the watch deputy shall author a Complaint Report (SH-R-49) for items seized that are in violation of the penal code. Performance Log Entries (PLE) shall be written by a sergeant for violations of this policy when warranted. The watch commander shall be notified of all contraband items confiscated. If items recovered include weapons or narcotics, the unit commander shall be notified immediately.
A record of the search, including time, duration, number of searches, and items confiscated shall be noted in the watch commander log.
The following items shall not be removed from the facility unless permission has been obtained from the watch commander:
All personnel is reminded that any allowed property brought into security shall remain under close control by the person bringing the property in, and they shall ensure the property is not accessible to inmates.