5-25-025 Inmate Safe Release Procedures-CSS Policy 8/9/2022


The purpose of this order is to establish safe hours for the release of female inmates at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to or working in any capacity at CRDF.


The release of female inmates occurs daily.  To ensure the safety of all inmates being released from the custody of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the CRDF Reception Center will not release, between the hours of 2200 and 0600, inmates who have completed their sentence (i.e., expiration percentage) pursuant to Penal Code 4024(a).  During this timeframe, the release area shall be closed.  IRC records will ensure all release passes have been sent no later than 1900 hours.

Spontaneous releases (i.e., bail bond) may be released during nighttime hours.  CRDF Reception Center personnel shall be responsible for processing these inmates for release, in coordination with the bond clerk. 

NOTE:  CRDF Reception Center personnel will make every attempt to confirm bond releases have confirmed transportation arrangements.

If an inmate is held over in the release area past 2200 hours, the CRDF Reception Center sergeant shall notify the on-duty watch commander who shall make the final determination as to whether the inmate shall be released or re-housed for a later release during daytime hours. 

NOTE:  Any release occurring between 2200 and 0600 hours shall be documented in the Watch Commander’s Log and the CRDF Facility Log.

Revised date 08/07/22

Revised date 05/25/22

Revised date 07/23/21