The purpose of this order is to establish procedures regarding the acceptance and booking of a "stay" into custody at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.
A "stay" is an individual convicted of a crime whom the court has ordered to surrender to a custody facility at a designated date and time to serve their sentence. Female inmates ordered to serve time in the Los Angeles County Jail will surrender themselves at CRDF.
[REDACTED TEXT] The individual shall be processed into custody within four hours of arrival. Individuals who surrender themselves on a "stay" must present the proper paperwork from the court. The paperwork will be a Los Angeles County Court commitment form (either white, yellow, or blue) and must have the official court seal.
Surrenders must meet the date requirement indicated on the commitment paperwork.
If the surrendering individual’s paperwork does not have a court seal, personnel shall check with CBAC personnel, who may have the original copy containing the seal. If CRDF-CBAC personnel is unavailable, personnel shall call the IRC-CBAC office [REDACTED TEXT]If the paperwork does not contain a court seal on either the copy or the original, or, if the paperwork does not meet the required surrender date, the individual shall not be accepted into custody. Instead, the reception center deputy shall give the individual a "Return to Court" letter [REDACTED TEXT] and explain they need to return to court to correct the surrender paperwork. The "stay" will then be directed to return home. [REDACTED TEXT]
For additional information pertaining to the e-UDAL refer to CDM section 4-11/025.00, "Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL).
Individuals who do not have proper identification, shall not be turned away. Identification is not required, as the individual will be live scanned. If there are any uncertainties regarding an individual’s identification, they shall be questioned further to better determine their true identity.
The reception center deputy shall ensure the individual is processed into custody within four (4) hours. The reception center deputy shall notify the watch commander if the individual is not processed into custody within the designated four (4) hour time period.
[REDACTED TEXT] The "stay" will be escorted to the reception area, along with their property and paperwork. Once the paperwork has been completed, the individual will be booked and processed like all newly booked inmates.
For additional information refer to Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 5-03/025.00, "Booking and Property Form (B&PR)," and 5-03/035.00, "Direct Booking-IRC/SBI."
Any male who surrenders himself as a "stay" at CRDF shall be directed to surrender himself to the Inmate Reception Center (IRC) if he is remanded to serve his time in the Los Angeles County Jail.