5-25-030 Release of Inmates with Additional Needs and/or Mobility Impairments


The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for releasing inmates with "additional needs" and/or "mobility impairments."


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


CRDF personnel shall adhere to the following procedures when releasing an inmate identified by Correctional Health Services (CHS) personnel to have "additional needs" or mobility impairments. These procedures must be adhered to by all personnel to ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

CRDF personnel shall assist inmates identified as having "additional needs" or mobility impairments during their release from custody.

Inmates identified as having "additional needs" include those inmates who might suffer from dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, vision or hearing impairments, mobility impairments, or any other condition that, without proper consultation with the inmate’s family member, social support structure, or referral to a qualified program, may lead to a harmful situation for the inmate post release.

Personnel assigned to the release area shall document in the "additional comments" portion of the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) all inmates being released with "additional needs or mobility impairments." This documentation shall include the inmate’s name, booking number, and mobility device utilized upon release from custody.

Inmates identified as having "additional needs" due to a mobility impairment include those dependent on a cane, crutch, prosthetic, walker or wheelchair to be ambulatory. When an inmate with a mobility impairment arrives at the release area, personnel must contact the property room to ensure any personal mobility device belonging to the inmate is returned to them prior to their release from custody.

If an inmate who is due for release requires a wheelchair, but does not have a personal wheelchair in their property, release personnel shall ask the inmate if there is a family member or friend who is available to:

 Deliver their personal mobility device, or,

 Assist them with transportation to their place of residence

If a wheelchair cannot be located and the inmate is homeless and has no one to pick them up and transport them to their residence, release personnel shall contact a representative of the Community Transition Unit [REDACTED TEXT] CTU will attempt to arrange for transportation and/or placement of the inmate. If CTU personnel are not available, or are unable to find placement for the inmate, the Adult Protective Services 24-hour hotline shall be contacted at (877) 477-3646. [REDACTED TEXT]

Inmates with "additional needs" shall be expedited through the release process to adhere to release timelines and to avoid over detention.

Revision Date (12-03-2018)

Revision Date (04-28-2017)