The purpose of this order is to establish procedures to allow prisoners and inmate’s access to the telephone(s).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF), including Century Booking.
Inmate Telephone Access
Inmates shall be allowed reasonable access to a telephone beyond those calls which are required by California Penal code (PC) section 851.5, “Telephone Call Right of Arrested Person,” and California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 15, section 1067, “Access to Telephone.” Inmate access to telephones shall be facilitated as much as possible utilizing the telephones within their housing areas. “Reasonable access” ensures inmates are given access to the telephones at least once per twenty-four (24) hours, which does not conflict with any other activities (e.g. showers, commissary).
The access to telephones shall be given for, but not limited to, the following requests:
Bail or bond agents, for initial contact or change in bail status
Attorney, for initial contact or change in status of case
In an emergency situation where a letter would not reach the party in time
When an inmate has a hold placed against them
When a new charge is added to an inmate’s jacket
An emergency or death in an inmate’s family
General calls to friends and relatives
Personnel should monitor inmate telephone use to ensure inmates do not misuse or exert control over the phones. If an inmate is found to be controlling the use of the telephone(s) in their module, module personnel shall take the appropriate disciplinary action(s) in order to dissuade this kind of behavior, and to keep peace within the module. Any restriction of telephone use shall require the approval from a supervisor at the permanent ranking of supervising line deputy or above. Any restriction on telephone use, excluding court orders, that goes beyond twenty-four (24) hours shall require the written approval of the unit commander.
Prisoner Telephone Calls (Type 1)
Prisoner(s) shall be allowed three (3) free telephone calls within the first twenty-four (24) hours after being booked, as required by section 851.5 PC. These telephone calls must be within CRDF’s calling area. Calls outside of this area must be collect calls. The calls made, and to whom, shall be documented on the booking packet. Custody personnel shall ensure this portion of the packet is filled out in its entirety. Custody personnel are also responsible for ensuring the prisoner signs the page documenting they were given access to the telephone. If the prisoner refuses, custody personnel must clearly document this on the booking packet.
The prisoner is allowed a fourth call to the bail commissioner to inquire about bail reduction or an Own Recognizance (OR) release.
The prisoner is allowed a fifth and sixth call to arrange for child care if they are the custodial parent or a minor child.
Court-Ordered Telephone Calls
In the event the court issues an order for an inmate to be allowed specified telephone usage, the following shall apply:
All court orders shall be received and approved by the CRDF Legal Unit.
o The Legal Unit shall properly process the order then forward a copy of the order to the respective module to be executed accordingly. The Legal Unit shall retain a copy of the court order for a minimum of 2 years.
Court ordered telephone calls will be handled by the module deputy.
o The module deputy shall ensure court orders are executed promptly. Once the order is delivered to the inmate’s respective housing locations, the module deputy will call the inmate out of their cell and direct them to a telephone to complete their call. Upon completion of each call, the module deputy shall document the date, the time, the inmates name and booking number in the Electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e- UDAL). When all calls have been completed, the module deputy shall sign the order(s) as having been “executed,” then note the date and time, and forward the completed order(s) to the CRDF legal unit as soon as practical.
Court ordered phone calls shall take priority over regular telephone access.
o These calls shall be for the inmate named in the court order and shall be for periods of fifteen (15) minutes each, unless circumstances warrant additional time, or the court order specifies for more time.
The following information shall be documented in the e-UDAL:
If another time is designated to complete the call
If an inmate refuses to make a court-ordered phone call when the opportunity is presented and does not have a valid reason for doing so, the call shall be counted as a completed call
If an inmate has a valid reason for not making the call, the deputy shall make the appropriate notification on the court-order and allow the inmate to complete their call at another time.
In the event of an inmate’s refusal of a court ordered phone call, the module deputy shall notify the CRDF Legal Unit by emailing the “CRDF-Legal.”
Telephone Maintenance
In the event the telephone system is not working properly (this includes any part of the phone), CRDF personnel shall submit a work order immediately.
Deaf or Hearing Impaired Inmates
Hearing-impaired inmates can utilize the Purple Machine located in module [REDACTED TEXT]. The Purple Machine allows hearing-impaired inmates to place phone calls using the Video Relay Services (RVS) to a regular telephone. The Video Remote Interpreting Services (VRI) enables Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD) to obtain a certified interpreter to relay communications with custody personnel. Instructions for its use are located on the machine. The process can also be achieved by providing a qualified sign language interpreter.
Revised 06/23/21
Revised 04/20/17
Revised 07/04/13