The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the creation and usage of inmate libraries and the distribution of newspapers within the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the CRDF.
Books shall be maintained in each housing area of CRDF as a mini-library. The CRDF Inmate Services Unit shall maintain an even distribution of library books throughout the housing areas. In addition, approved volunteers may bring acceptable reading material to stock the mini-libraries, and reading material may also be obtained from the CRDF warehouse. Inmates may request religious reading material from a chaplain and retain them in their housing location.
The libraries are designed for the benefit of inmates in Type II facilities.
Inmates shall have access to library books seven days a week, during out-of-cell time between 0700 hours and 2000 hours. Module personnel shall document library access in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL). Library books may be retained by inmates who are transferred to other housing areas within the facility.
Reception personnel shall be responsible for confiscating any library books from inmates who are being transferred outside of the facility. Books that are confiscated for any reason shall be returned to the housing module, the Inmate Services Unit, or the CRDF warehouse.
After a Disciplinary Review Board (DRB) hearing, inmates housed in the discipline module shall be allowed at minimum one (1) book and one (1) religious reading material. Any additional reading material shall be approved at the discretion of the unit commander. Discipline module personnel shall be responsible for the distribution of reading materials within the module and shall rotate it once an inmate in possession of the material no longer requires it.
Library Rules
Mini-Law Libraries
Mini-law libraries are available in each permanent housing area. An inmate may request to view the books during program time. The books are not to be taken inside the inmate’s cell.
CRDF shall make available, upon request, a copy of the following legal material:
Law Library
The law library is located in module [REDACTED TEXT] and available for all Propria Persona (Pro-Per) inmates. Pro-Per inmates shall be offered law library time for a minimum of two (2) hours per day, seven (7) days a week. Module [REDACTED TEXT] staff are responsible for logging the pro-per inmates hours (start and end time) utilizing the iPod.
The following is a list of reading material available in the law library kiosks:
Federal Primary Sources
California Primary Sources
Analysis and Practice Guides
Citators and References
Analytical/Practice Guides being added in June 09 Release:
Inmate Services Unit personnel shall provide each housing module with one (1) English and one (1) Spanish newspaper daily. Refer to CCR Title 15, sections 1064, “Library Service,” and 1066, “Books, Previous Term Newspaper, Next Term Periodicals, and Writings,” for additional information.
Library Services/Newspaper: Century Booking (Type 1 Facility)
Under Station Jail Manual (SJM) section 6-14/070.00, “Library Services,” library service is not required for a Type I Facility. A limited law library is available to inmate workers, and individual procedures for using these books may differ from station to station.
A small library of books is located in each station. Books are available for inmate workers and pre-arraigned inmates upon request.
Booking personnel may provide an inmate with a book, if requested and available; however, booking personnel are not required to do so.
Mini-Law Libraries
Inmates in Type I housing will not be granted access to Mini-Law Libraries due to the limited duration of their status.
Inmates in Type I housing may request a newspaper from the jailer.
Revised 04/06/23 (approved by CSS on 4/11/23)
Revised 06/30/21 (approved by CSS on 12/13/21)
Revised 04/21/17
Revised 08/02/13