5-08-080 Inmate Injury/Ilness


To establish procedures for providing inmates with medical care after being injured, reporting the injury/illness and properly documenting the incident. These procedures apply to all injuries, regardless of their source, including inmate death.


This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).


When it comes to the attention of any employee that an inmate has been injured, regardless of severity, that employee shall immediately arrange for a medical examination of the inmate. The first respondent to any emergency/urgent situation is the nurse on the incident floor. If this nurse is not available, then the Main Clinic will be contacted. An Inmate Injury/Illness Report (SH-J-212) shall be written and given a Reference Number and Uniform Reporting Number (URN).

Inmates Not Seriously Injured

  •  Send/escort the inmate to the mini-clinic or main clinic for an initial examination.
  •  Advise the Tower Senior of the injury.
  •  Prepare an Inmate Injury/Illness Report and present it to the handling nurse for any applicable notations.

Inmates Seriously Injured

  •  Request Medical Services personnel to respond and examine the inmate.
  •  If the injury is life-threatening, notify Main Control in order to request paramedics.
  •  Prepare an Inmate Injury/Illness Report and present it to the handling nurse for any applicable notations.

When outside medical assistance is requested (paramedics/ambulance) they shall be escorted by a Prowler or an Escort Deputy to the injured inmate's location. Based on the location of the emergency, the arriving emergency personnel will be directed to either the Reception Center bus area or Booking entrance.

Unscheduled Hospital Visits

If an inmate leaves the facility for an unscheduled hospital visit due to an injury or illness, an Inmate Injury/Illness Report shall be completed.


Sick or Injured Inmate - "Inmate Down"

Personnel shall, upon first knowledge that an inmate that is down, request Medical Services' staff and, if necessary, additional personnel. Other inmates near the injured or down inmate should be instructed to go to their cells or move away.

If the inmate is unable to walk, personnel should await the nurse's arrival. If the inmate can talk, ask her for an explanation (e.g., flu, heart problem) and relate the information to the nurse. The nurse will take full charge of treatment upon arrival. A Prowler or Escorting Deputy should be requested to escort the nurse and inmate to the Main Clinic.

If the inmate is claiming an injury, they must be escorted to the clinic as soon as possible. An Inmate Injury/Illness Report must be completed.


Module personnel will instruct all inmates to move away from the "convulsing" inmate. If possible, module personnel shall move objects within striking distance of the sick inmate and shall request a nurse and a floor prowler. Do not allow any inmate to restrain the sick inmate.

Special Housing

For both minor and serious injuries occurring to inmates housed in segregated housing units, Medical Services and any outside medical personnel requested should respond to the inmate's location.

If it becomes necessary to move a dangerous inmate to the clinic or out of the facility to a hospital, the inmate should be restrained. A deputy and a supervisor will escort the inmate to Medical Services. If transportation to a hospital becomes necessary, two armed deputies, unless indicated otherwise by the Watch Commander, will accompany the inmate and provide security.

Inmate Medical Records

In the event that the injured inmate's medical record(s) need to be transported to or from any medical facility, those record(s) will be sealed in an envelope and hand carried by the transporting deputies.