The purpose of this order is to establish procedures for the secure storage of medication and disposal of medical contraband.
This order shall apply to all personnel assigned to and/or working in any capacity at the Century Regional Detention Facility (CRDF).
Correctional Health Service (CHS) personnel will operate and maintain the various medication stockrooms, keeping them in a clean, orderly, and secured manner.
Pharmaceutical and associated supplies (i.e. individual eye droppers, IV tubing, etc.) will be stored in [REDACTED TEXT]. Medications will be stored in a separate locked cabinet from those supplies.
The medication stockrooms will be locked at all times. Only authorized personnel will be permitted to enter. Non-authorized personnel must be escorted by authorized personnel at all times into or around the medication stockrooms.
The security of medication will be maintained in the manner consistent with Custody Division Manual section 3-06/080.00, “Security of Medication.”
Disposal of medical contraband
Sworn personnel are to escort and supervise medical personnel and/or Law Enforcement Technicians (LET) to the [REDACTED TEXT] when disposing medical contraband in the biohazard containers.
Revision Dates: 06/28/2023, 7/26/2018, 9/25/2017, 04/03/2014
Revision Date 07/26/2018
Revision Date 09/25/2017
Revision Date 04/03/2014