Unit Order: 12-001
Effective Date: 6/19/2012
Revision Date:
Plan Check Review Submission Procedure
Department of Public Works/Building & Safety Division
The purpose of this unit order (Order) is to establish procedures for Plan Check Submission.
This order shall apply to all FPB personnel.
- Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Sheriff’s Department (Department) Facilities Planning Bureau’s (FPB) Director, all projects (Department and Capital) shall be submitted to Department of Public Works (DPW) for Plan Check Review (PCR).
- DPW will determine if a Building Permit is required for each project.
- All PCRs shall be coordinated through Mr. Mahesh Parekh of DPW. Mr. Parekh’s telephone number is (626) 458-6388 and his E-mail address is mparekh@dpw.lacounty.gov.
- Department personnel shall meet with Mr. Parekh and identify he appropriate section(s) and level of PCR (e.g., Building, Structural, American with Disabilities Act, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical, Grading, Geotechnical, Environmental Programs, et cetera) required for all projects.
- Mr. Parekh shall obtain cost(s) and time duration(s) from each one of the required DPW Plan Check sectons.
- DPW shall submit a formal, written proposal (quote) of both cost and time required to complete the various PCRs to the Department. The quote is for a guaranteed amount, which shall not be reduced or increased. The quote shall also include a maximum PCR time frame for review of the project documents.
- Once the cost and time quote is accepted by the Department, the Department shall issue a Notice to Proceed to DPW confirming acceptance and authorization of this cost and time quote.
- A Department Service Order (DSO) shall be issued to cover DPW Plan Check Review services. A separate DSO is required for Fire Department Plan Check services. A DSO (preferred) or check (discouraged) is required for Regional Planning Department Plan Check services. All PCR payments shall be in accordance with FPB’s Fiscal Section’s requirements and must be reviewed and approved by Fiscal, prior to submitting to management. Upon award of a construction contract or at the appropriate time, a separate DSO will be issued to DPW Project Management Division for inspection services.
- The Department shall submit completed plans; no incomplete plans shall be accepted.
- After the plans are reviewed, Department staff may communicate directly with the respective Plan Checker.
- DPW may coordinate outside jurisdictional reviews, including Regional Planning, Fire Department, Air Quality Management District, and Public Health.
- In the event of the jurisdictional agencies is not able to provide a fee, a DSO in the minimum amount of $500 shall be prepared and issued to the agency before any Plan Check work starts.