Unit Order: 11-001
Effective Date: 12/01/11
Revision Date:
Annual Vacation Sign-ups
Manual of Policy and Procedures Section 3-02/030.45 Vacations; Los Angeles County Code Section 6.18 Vacations; and Time and Attendance Accounting Manual Section TK-01/011.55 Vacation Leave and Grants.
The purpose of this unit order (Order) is to establish procedures for equitable, annual vacation sign-ups for Facilities Planning Bureau (FPB).
This order shall apply to all FPB personnel.
- During the period of December 1 through 31 of the current calendar year, all Section Supervisors shall coordinate the approval of vacation time off requests for the upcoming calendar year (January 1 through December 31), using the following criteria:
- No more than 50% of the current Section staff shall be off on vacation on any given day.
- Priority shall be based on “seniority”, which is the employee’s Department continuous service date (then by continuous County service date, in the event of a tie).
- Requests will be reviewed and approved/denied, based on seniority, during several rounds of requests.
- Each employee may submit one contiguous period vacation request during each round (e.g., if an employee receives three weeks of vacation each year, he/she may either submit one request for three weeks’ consecutive days off – OR – submit a request to use a portion of the three week period during the current round and submit additional request(s) for consideration of for other period(s) for consideration in subsequent rounds.
- Employee shall be notified when his/her request is denied, allowed to submit an alternate available date period request before the supervisor reviews the next most senior employee’s request, and/or request placement on a stand-by list for future consideration, in the event personnel changes occur or employees with approved time off cancel their vacations.
- Employee who does not submit a time off request within 1 business day (taking into consideration employee’s regular day off) of the supervisor’s request to do so, shall forfeit his/her seniority rights for the current round.
- Section Supervisors shall return the approved copy of each employee’s vacation request form at the end of each round.
- Section Supervisors shall maintain the original, approved copy of the time off slip for subsequent submission with the affected period’s timesheets.
- Section Supervisors shall provide one copy of the approved time off slip to Support Staff who will record the time off on the FPB Master Calendar. Section Supervisors will routinely review and monitor the FPB Master Calendar throughout the year to ensure all approved time off is accurately reflected.
- Special Circumstances:
- Emergency leave is not subject to the above conditions. Employees may request Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time, per Department policies.
- If an employee wishes to request more than of four (4) weeks of vacation or other leave, he or she shall submit a memorandum to the Director, via chain of command, indicating the reason for the request.
- Per Manual Policies and Procedures, Employees having excess vacation leave must sign up for vacation time to exhaust their excess leave before the end of the calendar year. If an employee does not sign up, the leave may be selected for them by the Director, at a time that does not impact their Section’s operations.