Unit Order: 2018-01 GROOMING STANDARDS


The purpose of this order is to establish Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) policy in regard to required Grooming Standards.


This order shall apply to all Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) uniformed personnel.


FSB staff that are provided uniforms or an allowance per their MOU are considered Uniformed Personnel and must comply with MPP 3-01/050-80, Grooming and Dress Standards.

The only exceptions to this policy are:

  • Uniformed civilian personnel (e.g., Facilities Administration crafts, Custody Assistants, and Law Enforcement Technicians) who held status in their current classification before May of 1989, and who then had worn a beard, may continue to do so providing it is neatly trimmed and groomed.
  • Personnel that have medical reasons which make shaving of facial hair unfeasible and have provided documentation from a Physician, may display facial hair provided the individual must keep their facial hair neatly trimmed to a length no longer than one eighth (1/8) inch.
  • Personnel are required to provide updated Physician's documentation on a semi-annual basis.  Appointments required to obtain documentation must be conducted on the employee’s personal time.


Managers and supervisors have an obligation to identify personnel that are not following the MPP and Unit Directives.  If an individual is not in compliance, it is the managers and supervisors responsibility to follow through until that individual is in compliance.