The purpose of this unit order is to clarify the expectations of Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) Management with respect to the composition of Unit Performance Logs (UPL).
This unit order applies to all FSB Managers and Supervisors. It sets guidelines on the writing of UPLs for all employees.
To assist the Department in achieving its overall mission, FSB Management has deemed it essential for all Managers and Supervisors to write UPLs for their assigned employees. Unit Performance Logs should be written as a Supervisory aid to memorialize specific events. Following MPP 3-02/085.10, the Unit Performance Log is to be comprised of interim Supervisory notations about an employee’s performance during a given rating period.
It is a good management practice to meet with staff periodically to discuss their past performance and areas for improvement. Discussion should take place between the employee and the Supervisor to review the Unit Performance Log, employee goals, strengths, and weaknesses, and provide career guidance.
- The Supervisor is responsible for composing a UPL on an as-needed basis as a situation warrants.
- Supervisors shall record positive and/or negative incidents as they occur during the course of each evaluation period. Supervisors will have access to this information to include in the employee’s performance evaluation.
- The documentation on a given employee in the Unit Performance Log shall be shown to and discussed with the employee by the Supervisor who recorded it. The Supervisor shall obtain the employee's signature as evidence that the employee saw the documentation.
- If the employee refuses to provide a signature acknowledging awareness of the documentation, the Supervisor shall have another Supervisor witness the refusal. Both Supervisors shall sign the documentation.
- The employee shall have thirty (30) days to file a written response to any adverse comment entered in their personnel file. Such written response shall be attached to the adverse comment.
- An employee shall have ten (10) days to file a grievance to any adverse comment entered in this unit performance log.
- Expired UPL documentation shall be maintained at the unit until the employee evaluation process is complete and shall then be destroyed.
- The Manager I is responsible for ensuring each Supervisor assigned to them is in compliance with this Unit Order.
- The Manager I is responsible for performing a review of the UPL’s generated by each Supervisor and providing them with assistance and feedback as needed.
- The Manager I is responsible for writing an UPL and reviewing and discussing its contents with the Supervisor or subordinate under their direction as needed or when warranted.
- The Manager II is responsible for ensuring their assigned area of command is in compliance with this Unit Order as well as performing these duties for any staff assigned to them.