The purpose of this unit order is to clarify the expectations regarding standby services and call back policy and procedures.
This unit order applies to all Facilities Services Bureau (FSB) employees to ensure that all personnel assigned to standby are aware of expectations of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (Department) and expected response times.
To assist the Department in achieving its overall mission, it is mandatory for the members of our unit to participate in standby service and to respond to requests for callback duty for emergency repairs. The rules and compensation for this practice are part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the County of Los Angeles and the applicable Bargaining Unit.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, all personnel receiving standby pay are expected to be available for any calls for service. If such service requires you to report to work, you are required to report to that worksite within two (2) hours. All calls for service will be initiated by the dispatcher at Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF) Main Control or FSB Management. If additional personnel are required the stand-by employee shall contact the supervisor on-call for approval. If the supervisor is not reachable, the manager on-call will review and approve the additional assistance request if warranted.
- It is the stanby employee’s responsibility to be aware of their standby schedule and respond to all call-outs for their assigned craft in any region if needed. Failure to respond may warrant the employee to be subject to disciplinary action.
- Each employee is responsible for ensuring their provided contact information on the callout list is correct. A work cell phone as well as a personal contact number must be on the standby list. The employee is responsible for ensuring their cell phones are charged and in working order.
- If an employee is on a callout in a custody facility, the employee is responsible for checking their voicemail and communicating with TTCF Main Control at (213) 893-5100, by telephone hourly.
- Individuals wishing to swap standby duty must obtain the prior approval of their supervisor.
- In the event that additional help is required for the emergency, employee is responsible for contacting the on call supervisor or manager for approval. Line staff are not approved to call additional assistance.
- If an employee swaps standby, they are responsible for notifying the supervisor in advance. Once approval is given, the supervisor shall notify the FSB call center and verify the call out list is updated to reflect the change.
- Supervisors are responsible for formulating the standby list quarterly. It is to be submitted in the approved format to the Manager I of the region for review the last full week of each quarter for the next quarter.
- It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that standby assignments are equitable.
- The on-call supervisor is responsible for approving callouts when contacted by TTCF Main Control. In the event of a request for additional assistance, it is the on-call supervisor's responsibility to review the request and ensure that the correct personnel is contacted.
- On-call supervisors who encounter an emergency service request that they are unable to resolve due to either the magnitude of the problem or lack of experience in the craft associated with the problem should immediately contact the standby manager for assistance.
- In the event that an emergency is impacting an entire facility, notification to the on-call manager shall be done immediately.
- The manager of each region is responsible for reviewing the standby lists quarterly ensuring that the standby assignments are done completely and equitably.
- The Manager I of Corrective Repair 1 is responsible for ensuring all standby lists are completed and the weekly list is delivered to TTCF Main Control. The manager or his delegate shall pick up the standby logs when the new standby list is delivered and shall be responsible for ensuring that the list has been inserted in the call-out book.