Training Bulletin 9- Contract City Events


   Number 9

                                                                                                                                         January 2019


Contract City Events

Attendance and Funding


The purpose of this bulletin is to provide information regarding the various contract city events in which the Sheriff’s Department participates as well as the funding sources for the events.

City Organizations and Activities

The contract cities we serve may belong to several organizations.  These organizations exist to benefit the interests of the cities, through promoting special interest legislation, protection of local revenue, and various local rule issues. 

California Contract Cities Association

The most notable organization and the organization the Department is most active with is the California Contract Cities Association (CCCA).  The CCCA is comprised of member cities that contract for major municipal services, such as police services, fire services, animal control, public works, and/or building and safety.  Though a statewide organization, the vast majority of its members contract with the Department.  Almost all of our contract cities are members of the CCCA. 

The CCCA hosts regular “Board of Directors” dinner meetings, generally on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (excluding January and July when no meetings are held).  Station Captains and Patrol Division executives are encouraged to
attend with their cities.  There is normally a modest cost for dinner.  This cost is a direct expense to the attendee, unless paid for by their contract city.

In January of each year, the CCCA hosts a Legislative Trip to Sacramento.  The purpose of this event is to allow the various CCCA committee members to meet with state legislators regarding contract city issues and legislation. 

The Captain of Contract Law Enforcement and/or their designee attends this annual event to represent the Department.  Other department executives and/or station captains are not required to attend this event unless a special interest or need arise.

Bi-annually the CCCA sponsors a seminar which spans 2-3 days.  The annual “Municipal Seminar” (usually held in the Palm Springs/Indian Wells area) is held each May.  Due to the large attendance and scope of this conference, station commanders and Department executives are strongly encouraged to attend this event with their respective cities.  The annual “Fall Seminar” is generally held each September.  While station commanders and executives are encouraged to attend, this is generally a smaller conference. 

The annual Contract Cities Barbecue is held on the third Wednesday of August.  Although it is a CCCA event, the department “hosts” the event.  Contract Law Enforcement Bureau is responsible for the planning and coordination.  This is a contracted event which also relies on an admission fee to offset the cost of the beverages and other miscellaneous expenses not allowed to be procured.  The admission fee is a direct expense to the attendee unless paid for by the contract city.  All Patrol Station Executives and Station Captains are encouraged to attend this event, as it reflects our enthusiastic support for our contract cities.


Independent Cities Association

The Independent Cities Association (ICA) consists of “full service” or “independent” cities.  These words are misnomers as the contract cities provide full and complete municipal services as well through the use of contracting.  The member cities generally maintain their own police departments, although a few of our contract cities belong to the ICA. 

The ICA meets monthly and have bi-annual seminars (generally in February and July).  Station Captains should only consider attendance to any of these events if their contract city is an active participant in the ICA.  The Captain and/or their designee of Contract Law Enforcement Bureau attends these Conferences as representatives of the Sheriff’s Department.


League of California Cities

The League of California Cities is an association of city officials in California who work together to enhance their knowledge and skills, exchange information, and combine resources so that they may influence policy decisions that affect cities.  All of California’s cities are members of the League, including our own contract cities.  Station captains should check with their city manager regarding the necessity to attend League functions with their city.


Contract City Manager’s Educational Seminar

The annual Contract City Manager’s Educational Seminar is held annually at either the end of February or beginning of March.  The seminar is a Department event which is fully planned and organized by the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau.  Attendance by Department members is generally restricted to Department executives, Patrol Division Chief, Commanders and Captains.  City staff attendance is open to city managers and appropriate city staff identified by the city manager (i.e. Assistant City Manager, Public Safety Director).  Funding for all participants is provided by Contract Law Enforcement Bureau.  No travel/training requests are necessary and no unit funds are required.


Funding for Attendance 

CCCA Conferences

Funding to attend the CCCA’s annual Municipal Seminar was discussed by the Budget Authority on March 24, 1999.  During that meeting, the Budget Authority approved the motion that “...the Department has an obligation to pay for attendance at the contract cities seminar by chiefs, commanders, captains, and certain selected items that are impacted, through divisional budget allocations or when funding is not available, through funds identified by the Budget Authority.”

Generally, our contract cities pay the cost of attendance for their station captain and very often, certain special assignment personnel (i.e. service area managers).  Additionally, some of our cities pay the cost for attendance for their Patrol Division Chiefs and Commanders though this is not always the case.  If an attendee is not sponsored by a contract city, the cost for attendance should be paid by the individual station.  If the station is unable to fund attendance the Unit Commander should seek funds from their respective Patrol Division.  If the Division is unable to fund the event, a funding request should be presented to the Budget Authority to identify potential funding. 


Schedule of Events

The following list is a general schedule of events affecting our contract cities (though dates may change):

  • January
    • CCCA Sacramento Legislative Tour (2 days)
    • LASD City Manager Conference
      (2 days)
  • February
    • ICA annual Winter Seminar (2 days)
  • May
    • CCCA annual Municipal Conference (3 days)
  • July
    • ICA annual Summer Conference (3 days)
  • August
    • CCCA contract cities “Barbecue” (Hosted by LASD)
  • September
    • CCCA annual Fall Seminar (2 days)
  • Monthly Events
    • CCCA Board of Director’s Meeting, 3rd Wednesdays (excluding January and July)

Please contact Contract Law Enforcement Bureau at (213) 229-1647 if you have any questions about contract city events, attendance, or funding.