Professional Staff Responsibilities

The professional staff is responsible for organizing the SAC.  Professional staff responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Obtain project numbers from AAB Operations.

  • Track and monitor target dates and deadlines.  (See Attachment 13)

  • Conduct initial review of draft reports and printed PowerPoint presentations.

  • Schedule pre-CIRP discussion.

  • Create a secure electronic folder for the Shooting Analysis in the AAB shared files.  Professional staff will allow access into the AAB Shared File for SAC members to review Shooting Analysis documentation.

  • Identify the SAC members and send notification of presentation meetings.

  • Submit the SAC final report to select Department Executives.

  • Coordinate the CIRP presentation and prepare binders for participants.

  • Assist the team sergeants in organizing the Shooting Analysis documents for the archiving binder before and after the CIRP presentation.  The Shooting Analysis archiving checklist shall be used for document organization.  (See Attachment 14) 

  • Maintain the updated disposition status of the involved employee named in the Shooting Analysis.

  • Email the updated tracker to Special Projects Team personnel and AAB Operations weekly.