Team Sergeants Responsibilities

The team sergeants are responsible for completing each step of the Shooting Analysis.  Responsibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Attend the initial CIRP.

  • Conduct fieldwork and obtain all necessary documents and information.

  • Place electronic copies of all documents obtained in the SAC shared folder.

  • Create a Shooting Analysis binder to ensure essential information is available for each SAC presentation and the CIRP.  (See Attachment 10)

  • Review all documentation to assess the incident from a tactical, training, and risk management perspective.

  • Prepare PowerPoint presentations summarizing the incidents in chronological order utilizing the PowerPoint template.  (See Attachment 11)

  • Retain draft reports and draft PowerPoint presentations in the AAB shared files.

  • Present Shooting Analyses to SAC members.

  • Revise presentations with any new information gathered from SAC findings. 

  • Submit draft reports and printed PowerPoint presentations to the AAB Shooting Analysis Professional Staff member for initial review.

  • Forward Shooting Analyses to team lieutenant for secondary review.  (See Attachment 12)

  • Present Shooting Analyses to CIRP.

  • Provide the final report to the AAB Unit Commander for final review and approval.