13-05 - Considerations for Deputy-Involved Shootings (2nd in a Series of 3)

                                                                       Considerations for Deputy-Involved Shootings

(2nd in a Series of 3)

This newsletter is a continuation in the series and will be referencing the same recent study regarding officer-involved shootings by members of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.  This part of the series focuses on the during aspect of communications which take place in the event of a deputy-involved shooting.


The goal of this newsletter is to assist deputies in tactical communication during incidents that can result in a deputy-involved shooting.  The topics below should be part of core discussions and should become common knowledge between partners:


Maintain communication between partners/assisting units during a response. Obtain additional information from informants to relay to responding units.


- What is the threat?                                                               

- How many suspects?

- Any weapons involved and the type of weapons?                    

- Existing hazardous locations (freeway on/off ramps, high traffic area)

- Nearby locations of concern (schools, churches, parks, crowds, business parks, etc.)

- Consider an alternate plan for a response to a common location (malls, schools) 

- Time permitting, assign shooters (sidearm, shotgun, AR-15) and less lethal (stun bag, pepperball, Arwen, etc.)


Communications between deputies and suspect(s):


Communication should only come from one deputy (if possible):


- Make LOUD/CLEAR/SIMPLE commands         - Does the suspect understand English?

- Does the suspect appear intoxicated?               - Does the suspect appear mentally ill?

- Is the suspect responding to commands?

- Is the suspect hearing impaired?

- Is the suspect suicidal, distraught, or mentally ill?  


* Remember, the suspect may not understand or be receptive to your communication.


Potential resources to initiate or improve communication with suspects:


- Translator (if appropriate)                                      - MET Team Personnel

- Crisis Negotiation Team                                        - PA in Radio Car and Aero 



Communications to citizens and bystanders in the area:


Try to improve the safety of the scene and delegate if needed:


-Inform the public to stay away from the area

-Restrict the area from pedestrian traffic

-Use other resources for traffic control (e.g., volunteers, city barricades, PCOs, CSOs)


Communicate a plan and contingency plan as resources arrive to the scene:


- Request a supervisor to respond to the scene

- Delegate to set up a Command Post (CP)

- Contain the area and reduce foot/vehicle traffic to improve backdrop conditions

- Assign an arrest team in case suspect surrenders

- Assisting units handle logistical aspects for the scene/CP


Communication during a shooting:


-Consider conveying to partners the use of cover/concealment when available   

-Broadcast the threat immediately along with your location via radio

-Assisting units should keep the frequency clear to allow involved personnel to put out pertinent information (location of suspect, suspect running, suspect down, officer hit, description, weapons involved, 902R request)

-Continuously assess the threat before/during/after any use of force

-Continuously update SCC with conditions on scene as appropriate


The overall goal is to increase the safety for all by improving communications during deputy-involved shootings.  By coordinating resources and relaying information, we ultimately reduce unnecessary risk to all involved parties.




Stewart, James K., George Fachner, Denise Rodriguez King, and Steve Richman. Collaborative Reform Process: A Review of Officer-Involved Shootings in the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Office of the Community Oriented Policing Services, U.S. Department of Justice, CNA Analysis & Solutions, 2012.