Field Training Officer



Expanded Course Outline




                                                           Introduction and Orientation                         BLOCK 1


I.          LEARNING NEED                                                                                      


To pro-actively participate in and successfully complete the POST-certified Field Training Officer (FTO) Course, the student must be aware of the POST FTO Course goals, expectations, and training requirements as well as key components of field training program development and operations.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Recognize POST FTO Course goals and objectives, including the development of a new FTO’s ability to:


                        1.         Provide training and coaching while integrating trainees into the mission, goals, and operation of the agency

                        2.         Provide trainees with a means of applying their knowledge and skills in the work environment

                        3.         Provide ongoing, constructive feedback and timely written evaluations, based on agency performance standards

                        4.         Recognize different learning styles and respond appropriately to the needs of the trainee

                        5.         Apply communication and counseling skills to assist trainees in resolving conflicts relating to, and arising from, their assignments


            B.        Meet staff and student introductory


                        1.         10 % Rule

                                                 a.  Cannot miss more than 10 % of the hours/classes

                                                 b.  Must make up any time missed

                        2.         Complete any LASD specific written tests/assessments required

                        3.         Arrive late/leaving early requires instructor notifications


            C.        Successfully complete all POST and presenter-specific activities and testing requirements, including:


                        1.         Teaching/Training Demonstration

                        2.         Case Study Analysis

                        3.         Presenter developed activities and/or tests


                                                                                                                                       BLOCK 1  


            D.        Identify and discuss key components of a successful field training program, which may include:


                        1.         Commitment of department head and administrative staff

                        2.         Clearly articulated organizational structure/chain of command

                        3.         Well-organized and effective field training program guide

                        4.         Regular field training staff meetings

                        5.         FTO and program critique by trainees

                        6.         Clearly defined roles/expectations for trainees, Field Training Officers (FTOs), and Supervisors/Administrators/Coordinators (SACs)


            E.        Identify and discuss the impact of field training, including:


                        1.         As the “introduction” to the agency’s law enforcement patrol duties, the field training program exposes trainees to the agency’s culture, values, and ethics

                        2.         Uses only approved methods, procedures, and  techniques to present training

                        3.         The future of the agency is significantly impacted by values established in field training


II.         REQUIRED TESTS/EXERCISES                                                           






            A.        The student will participate in an introductory activity that provides the opportunity to meet the other class participants and establishes a creative learning environment that already has many relevant resources (the students themselves).


                        1.         Distribute the FTO Introduction Interview sheet.

                        2.         Direct the learners to pair up with someone they don’t know

                        3.         Tell the learners they will have ten minutes to interview each other and complete the Introduction sheet.

                        4.         When completed, have each learner introduce the person they interviewed based on information from the sheet.

                        5.         When introductions have been competed, ask the class about their observations during the introduction.





                                                                                                                                         BLOCK 1



B.        The student will participate in a small group activity or facilitated discussion addressing the impact of field training.


                        1.         Divide the class into groups

                        2.         Have each group identify a scribe and a spokesperson

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 5 minutes to come up with a list of items relating to the impact of FTP’s

                        4.         At the end of the time, the spokesperson from each group will present their findings to the class.

                        5.         Instructor will then facilitate discussion and debrief this activity by discussing how it relates or can be applied to the job.




            C.        The student will participate in an instructor led introduction to the case study biographies that will be utilized throughout the FTO course.


                        1.         Divide the class into groups and assign a fictitious trainee to each group.  These groups will remain consistent throughout the course.

                        2.         Distribute a copy of the fictitious trainee’s case study to the group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have nor more than 10 minutes to familiarize themselves with their trainee’s biography and the expectations of the case study exercise.

                        4.         The instructor will then facilitate discussion on the purpose of case study usage within the course and how it relates or can be applied to the job.

                        5.         Students should be reminded to retain each portion of the case study so they have a total package for reference on the last day of the course.





            A.        The student may view the POST FTO Course Introductory Video or be otherwise informed of the FTO Course content.


                        1.         Students will observe a video and participate in a facilitated         

                                    discussion regarding field training.

                        2.         Instructor will set up the POST FTO Course Introductory video.

                        3.         After viewing the video, the instructor will reiterate the importance of field training and the intent of the POST certified FTO Course.


                                                                                                                                      BLOCK 1


            B.        The student may participate in a small group activity or facilitated discussion of the key components of successful field training programs.


                        1.         Divide the class into groups

                        2.         Have each group identify a scribe and spokesperson.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 5 minutes to come up with a list of components that they feel lead to a successful field training program.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the spokesperson from each group will present their findings to the class

                        5.         Instructor will then facilitate discussion and debrief this activity by discussing how it relates or can be applied to the job.






            Students shall be provided with a minimum of 2 instructional hours for

           Introduction and Orientation.


















             Field Training Program Goals and Objectives                    BLOCK 2




Field Training Officers are expected to engage the trainee in the integration and application of classroom knowledge to actual field performance, therefore, they must have a working knowledge of POST-approved academy training and field training programs as well as the evaluation and training processes of both.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Identify the four goals of POST-approved field training programs, including:


                        1.         To produce a competent peace officer capable of working a uniformed, solo patrol assignment in a safe, skillful, productive, and professional manner

                        2.         To provide standardized training to all newly assigned patrol officers in the practical application of learned information

                        3.         To provide clear standards for rating and evaluation, which give all trainees every reasonable opportunity to succeed

                        4.         To enhance the professionalism, job skills, and ethical standards of the law enforcement community


            B.        Discuss the POST competency-based program philosophy


                        1.         Competency includes behaviors that demonstrate effective performance

                        2.         These behaviors may not always include specific knowledge (i.e., exact penal code references) but do include learned or practical experience, or the behavioral application of knowledge that produces a successful result.

                        3.         Competencies are not necessarily specific skills, but, rather, the application of skills that produces a successful result.


            C.        Explain the need for standardized curriculums and performance objectives, which may minimally include:


                        1.         To provide consistency with academy training

                        2.         To provide a consistent and standardized training plan for FTOs to follow while delivering training in each phase of the program

                        3.         Provides fair/equitable Training






                                                                                                                                        BLOCK 2



         D.       Recognize terminology, resources, testing methods, and other activities             used in the Regular Basic Course, including:


                        1.         Training and Testing Specifications

                        2.         Workbooks

                        3.         POST Basic Academy Testing

                        4.         Scenarios



            E.        Explain how the field training program is an extension of the Regular Basic Course


                        1.         Academy prepares the trainee for entry into the Field Training Program

                        2.         Provides a real-life Environment in which to apply knowledge

                        3.         FTO’s must make themselves aware of the training provided at the academy(ies) used by their agency so that they can hold the trainee accountable for that training

                        4.         FTOs must become familiar with potential resources available fro their local academy(ies)

                        5.         FTO’s must support and reinforce material and methods taught in the academy(ies)


            F.         Contrast the difference between the training and evaluation, and recognize how both components complement each other in a successful field training program


                        1.         Training is the opportunity to:

                                                a.  Provide instruction and demonstration

                                                b.  With the trainee attempting the task, and

                                                c.  FTO coaching and providing feedback

                        2.         Evaluation is:

a.  The process of documenting progress or lack of learning\

      those tasks.            

                        3.         Training must occur prior to evaluation

                        4.         One without the other makes learning unachievable.









                                                                                                                                       BLOCK 2



III.        REQUIRED INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES - (3)                                 


            A.        The student will view the POST “Basic Academy” Discussion Scenario Video.


                        1.         Instructor will set up the POST Basic Academy Scenario video

                        2.         After viewing the video, the instructor will facilitate a class discussion



            B.        The student will participate in a facilitated discussion regarding the POST Regular Basic Course or Academy used by his/her agency and the preparation provided for the trainee’s entrance into a field training program (FTP).  At a minimum, the discussion must address:


                        1.         The Regular Basic Course as preparation for entry into a field training program

                        2.         The field training program as a training environment for applying knowledge learned in the academy to the duties of a solo patrol officer

                        3.         FTOs must make themselves aware of the training provided at the

academy(ies) used by their agency so that they can hold trainees accountable for that training

                        4.         FTOs must become familiar with potential resources available from their local academy(ies)

                        5.         FTOs must support and reinforce material and methods taught in the academy(ies)


          C.          Using Learning Domain #3, Policing in the Community, the student will participate in an activity that familiarizes him/her with the format(s) and layout(s) of the Training and Testing Specifications of the Regular Basic Course and the Learning domain Workbooks.


                        1.         Divide the class into small groups.

                        2.         Have each group identify a scribe and spokesperson.

                        3.         Ask the groups to identify how the LD #3, Policing the Community, workbook is consistent with the RBC Training and Testing Specifications

                        4.         At the end of a time period called by the instructor, each group will   

                                    present their findings to the rest of the class on how the sources                                             

are consistent.



                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 2





            A.        The student may participate in a small group activity or facilitated discussion contrasting the FTP and Academy Training and evaluation processes.


                        1.         Divide the class into groups.

                        2.         Have each group identify a scribe and a spokesperson.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 10 minutes to come up with a list of items contrasting the training and evaluation processes of academy training and field training.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the spokesperson from each group will present their findings to the class.

                        5.         Instructor will then facilitate discussion about the differences



            B.        The student may participate in an activity and/or guided discussion wherein they explore their own academy experiences, make observations about trainee readiness for field training, and evaluate what they are hearing about current academy training.


                        1.         Divide the class into groups.

                        2.         Have each group identify a scribe and spokesperson.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 5 minutes to come up with a list of their own academy experiences and how it prepared them for field training. 

                        4.         At the end of the time, the spokesperson from each group will present their findings to the class.

                        5.         Instructor will then facilitate discussion about their experiences and how academies have changed.






            Students shall be provided with a minimum of 2 instructional hours for Field      

             Training Program Goals and Objectives








Expectations, Functions, and Roles of the Field Training Officer           BLOCK 3




FTOs must develop an understanding and appreciation of the multiple functions, roles, and relationships they will have as field training officers and how those differ from their functions, roles, and responsibilities in their jobs as regular officers.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Explain the attributes of a successful FTO, which may include:


                        1.         Effective communicator

                        2.         Ethical

                        3.         Professional

                        4.         Knowledgeable

                        5.         Experienced

                        6.         Courageous (includes physical and moral courage)

                        7.         Fair

                        8.         Committed

                        9.         Loyal


            B.        Identify and explain the functions or roles of the FTO, including:


                        1.         Role model

                        2.         Trainer/Teacher

                        3.         Evaluator

                        4.         Supervisor

                        5.         Coach/Mentor/Counselor

                        6.         Leader


            C.        Discuss the key elements for establishing trust between the FTO and the trainee, including:


                        1.         Truth

                        2.         Respect

                        3.         Understanding

                        4.         Support

                        5.         Teamwork


            D.        Demonstrate the ability to establish a mutually positive working relationship between the trainee and FTO using knowledge of the trainee’s education, background, cultural perceptions, work history, etc.




                                                                                                                                      BLOCK 3


                        1.         Develop a good rapport

                        2.         Good interpersonal skills

                                                a.  Open

                                                b.  Responsive

                                                c.  Approachable

                                                d.  Supportive




There will be stresses involved in the field training environment.  It is important for FTOs to recognize stress in their trainees that may adversely affect trainee performance.



            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Discuss sources of stress that may affect trainee performance, including:


                        1.         Personal sources

                                                a.  Family

                                                b.  Friends/family’s lack of understanding of the law

                                                 enforcement “culture”                                                                   

                                                c.  Financial

                                                d.  Wellness

                        2.         Professional sources

                                                a.  Expectations of trainee performance

                                                b.  Administration

                                                c.  Peer pressure

                                                d.  Personal -“Failure is not an option”


            B.        Recognize symptoms of trainee psychological, physical, and emotional stress


                        1.         Identify Impaired judgment

                                                a.  Poor decisions

                                                b.  Unable to make decisions

                        2.         Identify Deteriorating health during training

                                                a.  Becomes sick easily

                                                b.  Increases in sick leave use

                                                c.  Muscle tics

                        3.         Is the trainee showing Impatience with self and others





                                                                                                                                     BLOCK 3



            C.        Identify available methods and resources to minimize trainee psychological, physical, and emotional stress


                        1.         Provide opportunity for Employee Assistance Programs

                        2.         Make Chaplains/Clergy available

                        3.         If necessary Psychologists may be provided to trainees

                        4.         Mentoring program

                        5.         Exercise/work-out plan










            A.        The student will view the POST “FTO Responses” Discussion Scenario Video and participate in a facilitated discussion that will reinforce the



                        1.         The need to demonstrate the positive attributes of successful FTOs

                        2.         The need to establish a mutually positive working relationship between the trainee and FTO using knowledge of the trainee’s education, background, cultural perceptions, work history, etc.

                        3.         The need to actively demonstrate the leadership role of the FTO



            B.        The student will view the POST “Trainee Stress” Discussion Scenario Video and participate in a facilitated discussion that will reinforce the FTOs knowledge of possible sources of trainee stress and available methods and resources to minimize trainee psychological, physical, and emotional stress.


                        1.         Instructor will set up the POST Trainee Stress Scenario video.

                        2.         After viewing the video, the instructor will facilitate a discussion.



            C.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.




                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 3



                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.





            A.        The student may view the last segment of POST’s “Qualities of a Good FTO” Telecourse and participate in a facilitated discussion that reviews and reinforces those qualities.


                        1.         Instructor will set up the last segment of the POST ‘Qualities of a Good FTO’ video.

                        2.         After viewing the segment, the instructor will facilitate a discussion regarding those qualities.



            B.        In pairs, the students will be given the opportunity to practice an introductory session as if they were meeting their trainee for the first time.  This activity will reinforce the importance of developing a strong working relationship between the FTO and trainee.


                        1.         Class will be divided into pairs.

                        2.         The instructor will tell the students they must practice how they will introduce themselves to their trainees and what questions they might ask of their trainee.

                        3.         Instructor will then monitor the progress of the pairs.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will facilitate group discussion.






Students shall be provided with a minimum of 4 instructional hours for Expectations, Functions, and Roles of the Field Training Officer.





                                                                        Ethics                                                     BLOCK 4


I.          LEARNING NEED                                                                                      


FTOs must be fully aware of ethical standards and how they relate and guide them in terms of conduct and decision-making.  FTOs must recognize and be prepared for ethical and other issues, unique to the FTO/trainee relationship, that will emerge during the field training program.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Define ethics, including:


                        1.         The POST definition:


                                      The accepted principles of conduct,

                                      governing decisions and actions,

                                      based on professional values and expectations.

                        2.         Law Enforcement Code of Ethics

                        3.         A set of moral principles or values


            B.        Identify ethical issues within the field training environment, including but not limited to:


                        1.         Gratuities, half-priced meals, etc.

                        2.         Negative comments or behavior toward other officers, superiors, and/or agency

                        3.         Socializing or fraternizing with a trainee

                        4.         Participating in or allowing trainee discrimination and/or hazing

                        5.         Using inappropriate language or terminology

                        6.         Displaying negative behavior toward the community

                        7.         Intervention in unethical conduct of trainee, other FTO, or peer

                        8.         Code of Silence

                        9.         Entitlement


            C.        Evaluate the effect(s) of identified ethical issues on the FTO/trainee relationship


                        1.         Impact of FTO/trainee working relationship

                                                a.  effects trust, integrity, willingness to support, etc

                                                b.  Potential ramifications (positive and negative)

                        2.         FTO’s ability to impact ethical issues on the trainee

                                                a.  Must be above reproach

                                                b.  Train to engage in pre-planning                                                              

                                                c.  Engage trainees and peers in discussions



                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 4                 


       D.        Analyze ethical dilemmas utilizing POST’s “Ethical Decision-Making Tools for California Law Enforcement”


                        1.         Make a decision in an ethical dilemma

                        2.         Recognizing the difficulty of such decisions

                        3.         The impact of their own values and principles









            A.        The student will view the POST “Ethics” Discussion Scenario Video and participate in a facilitated discussion of how he/she would handle this incident with the trainee and the FTP SAC.  The student should further explore how he/she would handle the situation if it were another FTO who filed the report.


                        1.         Instructor will set up the POST Ethics Scenario video.

                        2.         After viewing the video, the instructor will facilitate a discussion.



B.        The student will participate in small group activities and/or a facilitated discussion where he/she will analyze ethical dilemmas using POST’s “Ethical Decision-Making Tools for California Law Enforcement” as a resource.


                        1.         Instructor will provide ethical dilemmas to the student(s)

                        2.         Instructor will facilitate the group reviews and discussions.



            C.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.










                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 4



                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups ( based on trainee name ).

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.







            Students shall be provided with a minimum of 4 instructional hours for Ethics





























                                                                        Leadership                                        BLOCK 5



I.          LEARNING NEED                                                                          


Field Training officers are expected to be leaders and to demonstrate leadership skills.  FTOs must recognize and apply basic principles and theories of leadership within their organizations.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Define leadership, including:


                        1.         The POST definition:



                                       The practice of influencing people,

                                       while using ethical values and goals,

                                       to produce an intended change.


            B.        Identify and explain characteristics demonstrated by various recognized leaders


                        1.         Famous Leaders

                                    ( Gandhi; Patton; Truman; Hitler; etc )

                        2.         Characteristics

                                                a.  Ambition

                                                b.  Confidence

                                                c.  Courage

                                                d.  Intelligence

                                                e.  Eloquence

                                                f.   Responsibility

                                                g.  Creativity

                                                h.  Compassion

                                                I.  Trustworthiness

                                                     1)  Even in times of great stress, they can be depended                                                              

                                                       Upon, to put the needs of others above personal



            C.        Analyze personal strengths and weaknesses as a leader


                        1.         Knowledge

                        2.         Code of Ethics

                        3.         Principles and Goals





                                                                                                                                      BLOCK 5



            D.        Discuss current principles, theories, and trends in leadership and how they may apply to the FTO (e.g., situational leadership)


                        1.         Situational leadership describes a way of adapting leadership behaviors to features of the situation and the trainees

                                                a.  Leadership is an activity

                                                b.  FTOs provide what is lacking in the situation

                                                c.  Able to hold others accountable

                        2.         Even though situational leadership appears to be simple, other variables may influence the appropriateness of any leadership style

a.  Effective leaders/FTO’s need to be able to adapt their         

      style to fit the needs of the situation

                                                b.  Perception is in the eye of the follower

                                                c.  FTO’s need to maximize the performance of their trainees

                        3.         Successful Leaders/FTO’s

                                                a.  Proactive

                                                b.  Flexible to development/performance level of their


                                                c.  Fill the gap



            E.        Analyze situations requiring applications of leadership principles and theories and provide examples of where/how those applications impact the situations


                        1.         Discuss situations involving different leadership styles

                                                a.  Instructor will develop situations for class discussion

b.  Instructor will facilitate discussion exploring the different                  

     uses of leadership styles as the situation dictates

                                                            I.  Autocratic

                                                            ii.  Democratic                      


            F.         Assess the positive aspects of the leadership role of FTOs


                        1.         Able to inspire leadership traits in trainees

                        2.         Able to delegate via problem solving (shared responsibility)     

                        3.         Able to build the future of agency













                                                                                                                              BLOCK 5





            A.        Using a leadership survey or other assessment tool, the student will participate in an exercise wherein they will analyze their own strengths and weaknesses as a leader.


                        1.         Distribute and instruct students to complete the assessment.

                        2.         Use the assessment to discuss traits of a leader.

                        3.         Debrief this activity by discussing how it relates or can be applied to real life or the job.



            B.        The student will participate in a group exercise and/or facilitated discussion that reinforces their ability to analyze and apply leadership principles and theories.


                        1.         Divide the class into a group for each of the following categories - Civilian, Military, Sports, Law Enforcement.  Note: other categories may be added.

                        2.         Have each group identify a scribe and a spokesperson.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have a set amount of time to identify specific leaders in a certain category.  They not only must identify the leader but also the characteristics that made them a great/good leader.  Characteristics may include, but are not limited to: ambition, eloquence, confidence, courage, intelligence, responsibility, creativity, compassion, integrity, and trustworthiness.

                        4.         The second part of the activity is to have the students analyze how the leadership demonstrated by these individuals impacted situations in which they were involved.

                        5.         The third part of this activity is for the group to identify how these characteristics and leadership applications apply to them, as FTOs.

                        6.         At the end of the time, the spokesperson from each group will present their findings to the class.

                        7.         The instructor will then facilitate discussion and debrief this activity by discussing how it relates or can be applied to the job.





                                                                                                                         BLOCK 5


C.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.                                                          


                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.







            Students shall be provided with a minimum of 4 instructional hours for



























                                    Teaching and Training Skills Development                   BLOCK 6


I.          LEARNING NEED                                                                                      


To effectively carry out their training and teaching, FTOs must develop and maintain positive interpersonal communication skills with their trainees, peers, and the community they serve.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Define communication as it relates to the FTO position


                        1.         FTO to Trainee

                        2.         FTO to FTP SAC

                        3.         FTO/Trainee to Community


            B.        Discuss reasons for developing positive communication skills, to include:


                        1.         Better interpersonal and professional relationships

                        2.         Job satisfaction/success and reputation

                        3.         Professional and personal safety/liability


            C.        Identify the basic components of the communication process, including:


                        1.         Sender of the message

                        2.         Receiver of the message

                        3.         The message itself

                        4.         Content of message

                        5.         The channel used to convey the message

                        6.         Noise and filters (both the sender’s and receiver’s)

                        7.         Feedback on the message


            D.        Recognize the communication skills needed to deliver effective training, including:


                        1.         Verbal and non-verbal

                        2.         Effective active listening

                        3.         Recognizing and overcoming barriers to communication





To be effective trainers, FTOs are expected to recognize and apply various adult learning strategies and to utilize effective ways of training, teaching, and





                                                                                                                                       BLOCK 6



communicating to increase the trainee’s retention, awareness, and effectiveness as a solo patrol officer.



            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Identify and explain components of effective training, including:


                        1.         Instructor qualities

                        2.         Presentation skills

                        3.         Teaching/Training styles

                        4.         Teaching/Training aids

                        5.         Training plans


            B.        Compare and contrast the elements of student-centered vs. teacher-centered learning, using the RIDEM acronym


                        1.         Student/Trainee Centered

                                                a.  Focuses on student/trainee learning needs

                                                b.  Puts the onus of learning on the student/trainee          

                        2.         Teacher/FTO Centered

                                                a.  Focuses on the teacher/FTO

                                                b.  Focuses on what the teacher/FTO knows

                        3.         RIDEM Theory

                                                a.  Relevance

                                                b.  Involvement

                                                c.  Discovery

                                                d.  Experience

                                                e.  Modeling


            C.        Analyze adult learning styles (e.g., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) and learning domains (e.g., affective, cognitive, and psychomotor) and how they impact the learning process


                        1.         Learning Styles

                                                a.  Visual

                                                      1) Learns by seeing/watching

                                                b.  Auditory

                                                      1) Learns by hearing/being told

                                                c.  Kinesthetic




                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 6



                                                    1) Learns by doing/trying different things

                                                d.  Multi-sensory approach is the most effective

                        2.         Learning Domains

                                                a.  Cognitive

                                                      1) Involves knowledge and development of intellectual


                                                            a) Evaluation

                                                            b) Synthesis

                                                            c) Analysis

                                                            d) Comprehension

     2) Includes recall or recognition of facts, patterns, and   concepts

                                                            a) Short -term memory

                                                            b) Long-term memory

                                                b.  Affective

                                                     1) The manner in which we deal with things emotionally

                                                            a) Feelings

                                                            b) Values

                                                            c) Appreciation

                                                            d) Enthusiasm

                                                            e) Motivation

                                                            f) Attitude

                                                c.  Psychomotor

                                                     1) Physical movement

                                                     2) Coordination

                                                     3) Motor skills

                                                     4) Required practice

                                                            a) Speed

                                                            b) Precision

                                                            c) Distance

                                                            d) Procedures

                                                            e) Techniques   

                        3.         Adult Learning Concepts

                                                a.  Types

                                                     1) Experienced-based

                                                     2) Self-directed/Facilitated learning

                                                     3) Participatory

                                                b.  Importance of application


                                                     1) Respects the learner

                                                     2) Respects diversity

                                                     3) Focuses on needs of learner



                                                                                                                              BLOCK 6



                                                     4) Practical and meaningful

                                                     5) Challenging

                                                     6) Fun = increased retention

                        4.         Rates of Learning

                                                a.  Individuals learn at different rates/speeds

                                                b.  The more senses involved, the more effective the



            D.        Discuss other factors or issues that may impact the learning process, including:


                        1.         The learning environment

                        2.         Student/trainee factors

                        3.         Teacher/trainer factors

                        4.         Other outside factors


            E.        Identify and explain qualities of successful teachers, which may include:


                        1.         Caring/Passion

                        2.         Knowledgeable (Subject Matter Expert/Subject Matter Resource)

                        3.         Skill

                        4.         Motivation

                        5.         Focused on values


            F.         Analyze personal strengths and weaknesses as a trainer


                        1.         Assess performance in the Instruction Game Exercise

                        2.         Can you improve your performance?

                        3.         Did you recognize what worked and what didn’t work?



            G.        Develop a training plan using a common instructional design method, which may include:


                        1.         Introduction (explain performance objectives)

                        2.         Presentation (impart the new knowledge or skill)

                        3.         Application (opportunity to put new knowledge or skill to use)


                        4.         Test (evaluate progress - holds the learner accountable)






                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 6



            H.        Develop learning activities


                        1.         Purpose

                                                a.  Reinforce training

                                                b.  Learning by doing

                                                c.  Promote decision making

                                                d.  Promote teamwork

                                                e.  Safely problem solve

                        2.         Types

                                                a.  Case studies

                                                b.  Role play

                                                c.  Brain storming

                                                d.  Scenarios/table top exercises

                                                e.  Simulations

                                                f.   Group exercises


            I.          Create useful field training instructional aids


                        1.         Establish relevance

                                                a.         Specific to topic

                                                b.         Specific to agency








            A.        At the start of this instructional block, the student will participate in the Instruction Game (Skill Builder) Exercise - See Facilitator’s Guide.  This

activity allows the student to analyze their personal strengths and weaknesses as a trainer.  The facilitated discussion during and after the activity will be the basis for further learning and allow the students to have a common training experience to draw from throughout the rest of the activities in this block and the remainder of the course.



1.   Instructions attached.







                                                                                                                                      BLOCK 6



B.        The student will view the POST “Trainee Learning Styles” Discussion Scenario video and analyze adult learning styles (e.g., visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) and learning domains (e.g., affective, cognitive, and psychomotor) and how they relate to the field training environment.


                        1.         Instructor will set up the POST Trainee Learning Styles Scenario video.

                        2.         After viewing the video, the instructor will facilitate a discussion on adult learning styles and how they relate to the field training environment.



            C.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.


                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study or this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.






Students shall be provided with a minimum of 4 instructional hours for Teaching and Training Skills Development














                          Competency, Evaluation, and Documentation                 BLOCK 7


I.          LEARNING NEED                                                                                      


FTOs must provide each trainee with fair expectations and evaluations.  They must be familiar with agency standards and be able to properly evaluate and document trainee performance in relation to those agency standards using Standardized Evaluation Guidelines (SEGs).


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Define competency as it relates to field training, to include:


                        1.         The demonstration of the skills, knowledge, abilities, and attitude to satisfactorily perform the duties of a solo patrol officer within an agency.

                        2.         Trainees are required to demonstrate competency in all performance areas evaluated prior to completion of the field training program.

                        3.         Competency may not necessarily be exact knowledge of a specific skill but rather the application of various skills that produces a successful result.


            B.        Identify the purpose and components of the Daily Observation Report (DOR), which may include:


                        1.         To provide a record of a trainee’s progress in some or all of the following areas:









            C.        Identify the purpose and components of the Standardized Evaluation Guidelines (SEGs), which may include:


                        1.         To provide a definition, in behavioral terms, of various levels of performance, using:



                                       A behavioral description for every category listed on the DOR


                                       Articulated reference points within each category description

                                                (i.e., “1", “4", and “7" or “NI”, “C”, etc.)



                                       Terminology and rationale supporting each reference point





                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 7



            D.        Assess various levels of performance and assign a numeric or alphabetic value for trainee behavior based upon SEGs.


                        1.         Be consistent

                        2.         Be fair

                        3.         Reach consensus


            E.        Explain common performance appraisal errors, which may include:


                        1.         Error of leniency

                        2.         Error of personal bias

                        3.         Error of central tendency

                        4.         Error of related traits

                        5.         Error of bias

                        6.         Error of motivational grading (“Room to grow”)

                        7.         Error of averaging scores


            F.         Distinguish between performance deficiencies and training deficiencies, to include:


                        1.         Performance deficiencies are related to the trainee’s ability (or lack of) and his/her issues

                        2.         Training deficiencies are related to the FTO and/or field training program issues

                        3.         Inconsistent instruction from FTO and supervisors


            G.        Explain why evaluation documentation must support each rating of the trainee’s performance, which may include:


                        1.         Gives the trainee recognition for good/strong performance(s) and calls attention to any weaknesses

                        2.         Provides the basis for any plans to help the trainee improve performance as needed

                        3.         Complete training records


            H.        Discuss “Aids for Writing Narratives” and how they apply to the evaluation and documentation of trainee progress

                        1.         Set the stage

                        2.         Use verbatim quotes

                        3.         Report the facts - avoid conclusions




                                                                                                                                      BLOCK 7



                        4.         Remember your audience

                        5.         Watch your grammar, spelling, and legibility.  Avoid slang, jargon, and swearing

                        6.         Speak to performance, not personality

                        7.         Use lists, if appropriate

                        8.         Think remedial

                        9.         Use quantification whenever possible

                      10.         Do not predict



            I.          Produce an accurate written record/narrative based on observed performance, using SEGs


                        1.         Use SEG language directly in the narrative

                        2.         Meet the four goals of documentation

                                                a.  Clear

                                                b.  Concise

                                                c.  Complete

                                                d.  Correct



            J.         Discuss the importance of, and considerations for, the delivery of trainee evaluations, to include:


                        1.         Mere completion and signatures do not achieve the purpose of proper evaluations

                        2.         Ample time should be allowed for open discussion of evaluations prior to signing

                        3.         Discussions should be held where privacy can be maintained with little or no interruptions

                        4.         Discussions should be two-way conversation

                        5.         FTOs should emphasize that evaluations address performance, not personality


            K.        Discuss alternative evaluation and documentation methods approved by POST, which may include:


                        1.         Daily Training Notes with Weekly Progress Reports

                        2.         Phase Evaluation Reports

                        3.         PTO Program Journaling, Coaching and Training Reports (CTRs),




                                                                                                                                         BLOCK 7



Problem Based Learning Exercises (PBLEs), and Neighborhood Portfolio Exercises (NPEs)








            A.        Using POST-produced or approved video scenarios or live classroom or academy scenarios, the student will accurately assess various levels of performance and assign a numeric or alphabetic DOR value for trainee behavior based upon SEGs.  Facilitated group discussion will allow the process of standardization of ratings to develop.  Using the competent solo patrol officer standard as acceptable behavior, the activity should be

                        repeated until standardization or consistent group consensus is    



                        1.         Instructor will set up training demonstrations using videos, role-plays, or academy scenarios.

                        2.         The instructor will distribute the appropriate Daily Observation Reports and Standardized Evaluation Guidelines.

                        3.         Students will be instructed to observe and individually evaluate several scenarios assigning numeric/alphabetic ratings using the competent solo patrol officer standard as acceptable behavior.

                        4.         The instructor will ask students to share their ratings and make note of the many differences between ratings.

                        5.         The instructor may then divide the class into groups.  After viewing more scenarios, each group is to come up with standard ratings based on consensus.

                        6.         In a facilitated discussion, the instructor will stress the importance of Standardized Evaluation Guidelines and the consistent application of those behavioral anchored ratings.




            B.        The student will view the POST “Trainee Attitude” Discussion Scenario Video and discuss the importance of, and considerations for, the delivery of trainee performance evaluations.





                                                                                                                                    BLOCK 7



                        1.         Instructor will set up the POST Trainee Attitude Scenario video.

                        2.         The instructor will facilitate a discussion on the importance of, and considerations for, the delivery of trainee performance evaluations.



            C.        The student will view the POST Documentation Scenarios Video and produce an accurate record/narrative based on the observed performance from at least two of these three video scenarios:


                        1.         Use of Force

                        2.         Officer Safety

                        3.         Not Responding to Training



            D.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.


                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.






            A.        The students may participate in a small group activity to practice how they would deliver their written evaluations from the documentation scenario exercise to reinforce the importance of performance evaluations that may include:


                        1.         The trainee must understand the evaluation.  This does not mean that the trainee has to be in agreement with the entire evaluation, just that

                                    he/she understands it.

                        2.         The performance evaluation must be the basis for plans to help the



                                                                                                                                       BLOCK 7



                                    trainee improve performance as needed.

                        3.         The performance evaluation must give the trainee recognition for strong points and acceptable performance as well as call attention to weak areas and/or deficient performance.







Students shall be provided with a minimum of 7 instructional hours for Competency, Evaluation, and Documentation.
































                                                 Intervention Techniques                              BLOCK 8




Trainees will make and must be allowed to make mistakes while learning.  These mistakes provide critical learning points for the trainee, however, the situation cannot be allowed to deteriorate to the point where officer and public safety and/or agency liability become an issue.  FTOs must know when and how to intervene in trainee responses to calls for service or scenarios in order to maintain safety and prevent liability.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Discuss the concept of “failing forward,” including:


                        1.         Some of the most profound learning occurs when mistakes are made

                        2.         Allowing trainees to explore ideas and make mistakes fosters an environment of learning

                        3.         In the context of “failing forward,” trainees discover not only positive solutions, but also what does not work

                        4.         FTOs must recognize the value of trainee mistakes and the problems associated with trainees being afraid to make them


            B.        Explain how intervention techniques are used as learning tools, to include:


                        1.         Trainees should be allowed to experience as much as possible within certain/safe limits

                        2.         Trainees learn best by doing and can learn from their mistakes

                        3.         The FTO must know the trainee and the importance of turning a situation back over to the trainee when appropriate (as soon as possible)


            C.        Identify situations where intervention by the FTO would be appropriate and explain applicable intervention techniques for each situation, to include:


                        1.         Officer safety

                        2.         Public safety

                        3.         Misapplication or violation of law

                        4.         Violation of department rules, regulations, or procedures

                        5.         Any other safety, procedural, or liability issue (i.e., property damage, escape of prisoner, violation of civil rights, etc.)




                                                                                                                                         BLOCK 8


            D.        Evaluate the appropriate use of intervention techniques, including:


                        1.         Subtle

                        2.         Overt

                        3.         Verbal


            E.        Assess the potential positive and negative effects of FTO intervention on the trainee and the working relationship with the FTO


                        1.         Potential positive effects of timely FTO intervention

                                                a.  Gives trainee back his/her confidence and self-respect

                                                b.  Does not relieve the trainee of responsibility

                                                c.  Makes trainee solve the problem

                                                d.  Maintains safety, reduces liability

                        2.         Potential negative effects of FTO intervention

                                                a.  Inhibits or stops learning

b.  Compromises or erodes relationship between FTO and          


                                                c.  May give citizen’s the impression of incompetence

                        3.         Open communication








            A.        The student will participate in a facilitated discussion assessing the potential positive and negative effects of timely FTO intervention and the impact on the working relationship between the FTO and trainee.  At a minimum the discussion must address:


                        Potential negative effects, which may include:

                        1.         Inhibits or stops learning

                        2.         Compromises or erodes relationship between FTO and trainee

                        3.         May give citizens the impression of incompetence


                        Potential positive effects, which may include:

                        1.         Gives trainee back his/her confidence and self-respect

                        2.         Does not relieve the trainee of responsibility, makes him/her solve the problem




                                                                                                                                         BLOCK 8



                        3.         Maintains safety, reduces liability


            B.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.


                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.





            A.        The student will participate in a role-playing exercise or video review that reinforces the appropriate use of intervention techniques.


                        1.         View Intervention Video Clips

                        2.         Facilitate discussion as to when the students would intervene and why

                        3.         Identify the issues they see in each clip





A.        Students shall be provided with a minimum of one instructional hour for Intervention Techniques.              

















                                                                        Remediation                                        BLOCK 9




FTOs are expected to recognize issues that might cause substandard performance in their trainees and to be able to effectively deal with those issues by developing remedial training plans and delivering the requisite remedial training.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Identify principles of remedial training plans, to include:


                        1.         Specific

                        2.         Measurable

                        3.         Attainable

                        4.         Realistic

                        5.         Trackable


            B.        Describe the roles and expectations of the trainee, the FTO, and the FTP SAC in remedial training


                        1.         Trainee

                                                a.  Assist in diagnosis of problem

                                                b.  Recognize and acknowledge deficiency exists

                                                c.  Accept feedback

                                                d.  Give input to remediation plan

                        2.         FTO

                                                a.  Diagnose problem

                                                b.  Remember how adults learn best

                                                     1) Use a variety of teaching techniques

                                                c.  Provide feedback and document trainee’s performance

                                                d.  Be aware of, and use all available resources

                                                e.  Be creative

                                                f.  Maintain safety

                                                g.  Successfully complete remediation plan

                        3.         FTP SAC

                                                a.  Keep agency administration informed

                                                b.  Maintain records

c. Recognize when the root cause of the deficiency is     something that cannot be corrected in the FTP (i.e.,       immaturity; life experience; fear, etc.)



                                                                                                                                         BLOCK 9



            C.        Summarize components of structured remedial training plans


                        1.         Specified performance deficiencies

                        2.         Training Assignments

                        3.         Documented completion or extension



            D.        Determine the cause of the trainee’s failure to learn (i.e., FTO training methods, trainee learning style(s), lack of effort, program deficiencies, etc.)


                        1.         Identifying what has been tried and determined to be ineffective

                        2.         Evaluate trainee’s learning method

                                                a.  Learning styles can fluctuate

                        3.         Deficiencies in the program/FTOs



            E.        Identify and apply a variety of remediation methods and resources, which may include:


                        1.         Role-plays or scenarios

                        2.         Volunteering for calls-for-service that provide additional training in deficient areas

                        3.         Reading, writing, and/or study assignments

                        4.         Videos and/or audiotapes

                        5.         Learning Activity Packages (LAPs)

                        6.         Other college or POST courses


            F.         Explain the need to evaluate and document remedial training, to include:


                        1.         Provides feedback on trainee progress (or lack of)

                        2.         May be supporting, critical factor in the event of a recommendation for termination

                        3.         Documentation must be precise


            G.        Recognize the need for proper evaluation and documentation to support trainee termination, to include:


                        1.         Identifies training that was provided

                        2.         Supports decisions to terminate

                        3.         Prevents/minimizes claims by trainee


                                                                                                                                   BLOCK 9









            A.        The student, working in a small group and using a remedial training plan worksheet, will review a written or video scenario demonstrating deficient trainee performance.  This activity must be designed to allow the student to:


                        1.         Identify the performance deficiencies

                        2.         List the methods and resources that best address these deficiencies

                        3.         Discuss a variety of teaching techniques based upon the needs of the trainee and how he/she learns best

                        4.         Develop a remedial training plan based upon the scenario



            B.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will

discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.


                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 30 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.







Students shall be provided with a minimum of 2 instructional hours for Remediation.






                        Test and Scenario Development Strategies                     BLOCK 10





Aside from calls for service, agencies may use other methods to evaluate their trainees in the field training program.  FTOs should be familiar with other methods used to evaluate and improve trainee performance, including tests and scenarios, and be able to facilitate that training.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Discuss the use of written and scenario tests within the field training program


                        1.         Written testing appropriate for:

                                                a.  Penal, vehicle codes, etc.

                                                b.  Radio codes

                        2.         Scenarios are appropriate for:

                                                a.  Making up for low volume of calls

                                                b.  Exposure to calls which may not be received

                        3.         Verbal testing appropriate


            B.        Discuss the positive and negative aspects of scenario training, including:


                        1.         Provides a safe learning environment

                        2.         Less liability than actual calls for service

                        3.         The events are repeatable

                        4.         The training can be halted at key points to reinforce learning

                        5.         Not as realistic as calls for service

                        6.         Can be predictable

                        7.         Must be maintained and updated

                        8.         Requires good role players and resources


            C.        Explain situations where written tests and/or scenarios are appropriate, including:


                        1.         Knowledge components, e.g., penal, vehicle, and other code sections for written tests

                        2.         Radio code tests

                        3.         To make up for low volume of calls for service





   BLOCK 10



            D.        Recognize officer safety and liability issues involved in scenario training, to include:


                        1.         Recognize the FTO’s risk management responsibilities

                        2.         No agency policy, procedure, or safety standards can be compromised or violated for the sake of training

                        3.         Loaded weapons should NEVER be used

                        4.         Scenarios should not be dangerous, demeaning, harassing, or expose the agency to liability


            E.        Determine detailed logistics, timing, and location of scenarios, including:


                        1.         Clearly defined training goals or performance objectives should be developed for each scenario

2.         Safety inspection of all vehicles, weapons, equipment, and locations to be used in each scenario

                        3.         Establishment of an audible signal that any participant can use to halt the scenario at any time

                        4.         Notification of appropriate entities (supervisor, dispatch, outside agencies, etc.)


            F.         Design, facilitate, and evaluate scenarios used for both remedial training and competency evaluation


                        1.         Develop and plan scenarios for either competency evaluation or for remedial training

                        2.         Draw upon resources available to trainer

                        3.         Articulate the steps necessary in developing a safe and meaningful scenario for a trainee








            A.        The student will, working in a small group and using the scenario development worksheet, design, facilitate, and evaluate scenarios.  This activity must be designed to allow the student to:




                                                                                                                                       BLOCK 10



                        1.         Develop and plan their own scenarios for either competency evaluation or for remedial training

                        2.         Draw upon resources available to his/her group

                        3.         Articulate the steps/considerations necessary in developing a safe and meaningful scenario for a trainee





Students shall be provided with a minimum of 2 instructional hours for Test and Scenario Development Strategies.

































                                    Legal and Liability Issues for FTO’s                    BLOCK 11




FTOs must recognize the various legal and liability issues involved in field training and become familiar with ways to best minimize individual and departmental exposure.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Identify and explain various liability concepts related to field training, to include:


                        1.         Failure to train

                        2.         Failure to supervise

                        3.         Negligent training

                        4.         Negligent retention

                        5.         Negligent supervision

                        6.         Negligent entrustment

                        7.         Direct/Vicarious liability


            B.        Identify concepts of risk management and methods for reducing civil liability, to include:


                        1.         Close supervision and expedited reporting

                        2.         Appropriate, timely intervention

                        3.         Recognizing the functions and roles of the FTO

                        4.         Knowledge of and adherence to agency policies and directives


            C.        Discuss current trends in personal and agency civil liability


                        1.         Instructor research latest cases for up to date information

                        2.         Review of recent settlements

                        3.         Review of recent judgments

                        4.         Review of recent decisions


            D.        Summarize various forms of harassment and discrimination in the workplace, including:


                        1.         Sexual harassment

                        2.         Hostile work environment

                        3.         “Quid Pro Quo”

                        4.         Verbal/Visual/Physical harassment

                        5.         Discriminatory issues defined in the ADA



                                                                                                                            BLOCK 11



                        6.         Disparate treatment (protected classes)


            E.        Explain how to minimize individual and departmental exposure to liability from trainee claims of harassment, discrimination, and/or unethical behavior


                        1.         Informing

a.  Tell the offending party of the possible consequences of                  his/her actions

                        2.         Reporting

                                                a.  Report inappropriate behavior to a supervisor

                        3.         Involvement

                                                a.  Do not become a party to the behavior

                        4.         Professionalism

                                                a.  Maintain a professional relationship at all times

b.  Do not allow trainee to be subjected to or become       

      involved in questionable situations.


            F.         Discuss methods/safeguards for keeping inappropriate conduct out of the field training program, including:


                        1.         Hazing

                        2.         Fraternization

                        3.         Favoritism

                        4.         Sexual harassment


            G.        Identify and explain labor issues related to field training, which may include:


                        1.         Peace Officer Bill of Rights (AB 301)

                        2.         Property interest (Skelly)

                        3.         Liberty interest (Lubey)

                        4.         EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) - Federal

                        5.         DFEH (Department of Fair Employment an Housing )- State

                        6.         FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) - Federal

                        7.         MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) - Agency specific issues








                                                                                                                            BLOCK 11





            A.        The student will view the POST “Legal Issues” Discussion Scenario Video and discuss the liability issues generated by the video


                        1.         Instructor will show the POST Legal Issues Scenario Video.

                        2.         Immediately afterwards, the facilitator will lead a discussion about the liability issues depicted in the video.


            B.        The student will participate in a group activity and/or facilitated discussion to determine how to minimize individual and departmental exposure to liability from trainee claims of harassment, discrimination, and/or unethical behavior to include:


                        1.         Inform the offending party of the possible consequences of his/her action(s)

                        2.         Report the behavior to a supervisor

                        3.         Do not become party to the behavior

                        4.         Maintain a professional relationship with all trainees and do not allow a trainee to be subjected to or become involved in questionable conduct/behavior


            C.        Case Study Exercise - The student groups determined on Day One will discuss and address their trainee’s written case study provided for this block of instruction.


                        1.         Divide the class into their assigned work groups.

                        2.         Distribute the fictitious trainee’s case study for this block of instruction to each group.

                        3.         Advise each group they will have no more than 15 minutes to review the current incident and document their actions.

                        4.         At the end of the time, the instructor will remind the students of the requirements of the final case study presentation on the last day of the course.






            A.        After dividing the class into six small groups, the facilitator should provide




                                                                                                                            BLOCK 11



research/reference materials related to the listed forms of harassment and discrimination.  Each group discusses the material and its application to the field training environment.  The groups will then present their findings to the rest of the class allowing for further discussion and facilitator reinforcement of correct interpretations.


                        1.         In advance, the instructor will determine the presentation method to be used to demonstrate a specific form of harassment or discrimination.

                        2.         Before presenting the situation, the instructor will ask class members to raise their hand when they become offended and/or recognize a form of harassment or discrimination.

                        3.         Debrief this activity by discussing how it relates to the job.



            B.        The student may view the POST “FTO Responses” discussion Scenario Video again in this block of instruction looking at the responses from a legal/liability perspective.


                        1.         Instructor will set up the POST Responses Scenario video.

                        2.         After viewing the video, the instructor will facilitate a discussion.






Students shall be provided with a minimum of 4 instructional hours for Legal and Liability Issues for FTO’s.
















                        Teaching and Training Skills Demonstration                            BLOCK 12




To ensure that FTOs have acquired the skills necessary to deliver effective training, FTOs are expected to develop and deliver a training plan that uses varied adult learning styles and communication techniques.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Apply acquired knowledge and techniques to develop a one-on-one training plan


  1. RIDEM (Relevance, Involvement, Discovery, Experience, and


                        2.         IPAT (Implant, Acceptance, and Testing)  

                        3.         RCAT ( Redirect, Control, Attack, Take-Away)


            B.        Present one-on-one training, using varied adult learning styles and communication techniques


                        1.         Visual

                        2.         Auditory

                        3.         Kinesthetic

                        4.         Two-way communication, active listening, etc.


            C.        Evaluate the training delivered by other FTOs


                        1.         Using SEGs to evaluate other student demonstrations in the areas of:

                                    a.  Introduction

                                    b.  Delivery

                                    c.  Use of training aids

                                    d.  Testing






Teaching/Training Demonstration - The student must successfully present a one-on-one training demonstration simulating an FTO-Trainee situation.  The student will select from a list of law enforcement training topics and provide training in the selected topical area to a trainee or role player.  The student is expected to develop a training plan that uses varied adult learning styles and communication



                                                                                                                                       BLOCK 12



techniques.  Using the Standardized Evaluation Guidelines (SEGs) developed specifically for this exercise, the demonstration will be evaluated by another student.


                        1.         Divide the class into groups of three.

                        2.         Advise group members that they will each serve in the role of Trainer/Trainee/Evaluator.  They will rotate through each assignment.

                        3.         At the end of the presentations, the instructor will debrief the students and solicit feedback regarding the implications involved in serving in each role.















Students shall be provided with a minimum of 2 instructional hours for the Teaching and Training Skills Demonstration.

















                                                Case Study Presentation                             BLOCK 13




FTOs must be able to analyze and apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities gathered during the FTO Course.  The Case Study Presentation will allow FTOs an opportunity to observe how their fellow FTOs handled their case study issues and how best to prepare for their opportunity to serve as an FTO for their agency.


            Learning Objectives:


            A.        Identify the nexus of the case study exercises to FTO activities


                        1.         Many of the case study situations were based on actual field training incidents

                        2.         Each trainee will bring individual characteristics and experiences to the training program; FTOs must be prepared to work with each trainee on an individual basis


            B.        Demonstrate the application of acquired field training knowledge, skills, and abilities


                        1.         Ethical decision making

                        2.         Role modeling

                        3.         Risk management


            C.        Compare and contrast the outcomes of the case study process


                        1.         Synopsize trainee background and issues

                        2.         Present the trainee’s actions and behaviors while answering the following:

a.  Did issues arise that no one in the group had previously

     dealt with or heard about?                      

b.  Were there discoveries during the group discussions that

     clarified your role(s) as FTO?     

c.  Were you able to reach a consensus as to the success of

     this trainee in the program?     










   BLOCK 13





            A.        Case Study Exercise - Each group will present their trainees to the rest of

the class covering the following aspects of the trainee’s behavior and their final outcome:


                        1.         Did issues arise that no one in the group had previously dealt with/heard about?

                        2.         Were there findings during the discussions that clarified your role(s)

                                    as a FTO?

                        3.         Were you able to reach a consensus as to the success of this trainee in the program?









Students shall be provided with a minimum of 2 instructional hours for the Case Study Presentation.