3-01/090.10 Social Media Use

Social media can benefit the community by providing quick access to disaster, safety alert, and other information. However, due to the sensitive nature of the information that Department personnel may be privy to, it is important that such personnel not convey information in a manner or to an extent that may be inconsistent with, or contrary to, Department policy. This includes the use of social media both on and off duty, and includes, but is not limited to: posting pictures of oneself while in uniform and/or on duty or at a Department function; discussing one's status/location while in uniform and/or on duty or at Department function; or in a manner that would jeopardize the privacy, security, or confidentiality of the Sheriff's Department or any Department member.

Department personnel will defer all questions and inquiries regarding Department business, news, and information to Sheriff's Information Bureau, as per the Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP), sections 3-01/080.05, "Public Relations," 3-01/080.10, "Public Appearances, Writing, Etc." and 3-01/080.15, "Press Relations."

Department personnel shall not post, publish, broadcast, etc., any business, news, or information about the Department through social media, without first consulting Sheriff's Information Bureau.