3-01/080.15 - Press Relations

Employees shall facilitate the work of accredited members of the press by providing them with accurate information in accordance with Department regulations.

Any terms of speech in a press release which cast unfair reflection upon any race or culture, or specifically imply or infer a race or culture, shall be avoided unless the term specifically applies and can be corroborated by factual evidence and is not contrary to any other policies of this Department.

The release of information will be decentralized.  Any questions or uncertainties concerning Departmental policy shall be resolved by consulting the appropriate Division Chief or Director prior to releasing any public statements on such matters.  The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau may make a public statement without prior consultation when it is necessary and would be in the best interest of the Department.

The press shall not be used as a means of publicity for personal reasons.

The Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau’s Senior Media Advisor, under the direction of the Sheriff, shall authorize the release of information when it is presented via a Press Conference.

Before a press conference has been scheduled, a summary containing the pertinent logistics and general scope and synopsis of the press conference shall be forwarded to the Senior Media Advisor without delay.  The Senior Media Advisor will review the press conference summary and determine if:

  • The general scope and content are congruent with the Department’s Mission Statement, Manual of Policy and Procedures, etc.;
  • It is logistically sound;
  • Does not conflict with any other pressing events; and
  • Offers ample opportunity for the maximum number of media representatives to attend.

The Senior Media Advisor will provide the Sheriff with an overview of the press conference and gain his authorization.  All discrepancies will be discussed with the organizing Department member and/or the next higher ranking Department member.

In the event the press conference is the result of an emergent event or tactical operation and prior notification is not feasible, the Incident Commander or organizing Department member shall ensure the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau’s Senior Media Advisor is advised as soon as practical.

Notwithstanding section 5-06/000.35, News Media, for purposes of this section, a “press conference” is a pre-planned media event, called and/or staged by a Department individual or group, designed to either bring attention to a particular Department program or efficiently answer questions posed by representatives of the news media at the scene of a newsworthy event.