6-08/010.00 Station Jail Cell Extraction

Inmate extractions are accomplished through planned force situations where it becomes necessary to remove an inmate who refuses to exit a confined area. A "confined area" is defined as any cell or secured area inside a housing facility structure (including station jails) in which the inmate can be secured, isolated, and controlled.

The goals of an inmate extraction are to restore order, maintain the security of the facility, and safely remove inmates (when necessary) using only the amount of force reasonable to accomplish the objective. An inmate extraction should be employed only if objectively reasonable efforts, that do not include use of force, are unsuccessful.

When simple instructions and requests fail to gain an inmate's compliance to exit a confined area, a supervisor, at the minimum rank of sergeant, shall be notified in all but life-threatening or exigent circumstances. The sergeant shall respond to the confined area, ask other staff to stand far enough back to provide a level of privacy for the conversation, whenever possible, and reason with the inmate to comply with orders to avoid the necessity of force. In all cases, reasonable efforts shall be made to gain the inmate's compliance. Throughout the entire process, best efforts should be made to videotape all negotiations with the involved inmate.

If the sergeant is unsuccessful in gaining the inmate's cooperation, the watch commander shall be notified and respond to the area. The watch commander shall meet personally with the inmate allowing them the opportunity to communicate in an attempt to resolve the situation. Whenever possible, staff should stand far enough back to provide a level of privacy for the conversation. In addition, an attempt shall be made to contact Mental Evaluation Team personnel to conduct a mental health evaluation. If available, an attempt shall be made to contact clergy.

After reasonable efforts to gain the inmate's compliance have been exhausted and the need for an inmate extraction exists at a station jail, the watch commander shall:

  • Assume the role of the incident commander
  • Ensure there are adequate resources on scene for the extraction
  • Ensure a scribe has been assigned to document the course of events
  • Ensure best efforts are made to videotape the entire extraction process, including all contact with the inmate, all negotiations, the extraction rehearsals, and any subsequent interviews with the inmate
  • Notify the unit commander
  • Plan the extraction and tactics to be used with the team leader
  • Ensure qualified medical aid (paramedics) have been requested to the location prior to initiating the extraction
  • Determine the appropriateness of utilizing chemical agents/and or less weapons based on any known existing medical and/or mental health conditions or known pregnancy.
    • In accordance with Penal Code 4023.8(h), absent circumstances that justify the use of deadly force, special weapons, electronic immobilization devices (TASERs), and chemical agents, including aerosol chemical agents, shall not be used against an inmate known to be pregnant. In addition, personnel shall not intentionally expose an inmate known to be pregnant to chemical agents. Absent exigent circumstances requiring immediate use of chemical agents, personnel shall request pregnant inmates move from areas where unintentional exposure to the chemical agents may be reasonably foreseeable. Any refusal by a pregnant inmate shall be video recorded and medical personnel shall be summoned to the location.
  • Ensure an additional sergeant is on scene (if available) and directing medical personnel to the extracted inmate
  • Approve the plan and stand by during team and supporting personnel briefing, deployment, and completion of the extraction
  • Consider other options if an inmate is obviously mentally disabled and cannot conform their behavior to commands or when the initial application of chemical agents has failed to gain compliance or has not shown any effect
  • Supervise the tactical planning and the extraction; the use of less-lethal weapons must be in accordance with the Manual Policy and Procedures (MPP) sections governing their use and with regard to the capabilities and limitations of each weapon system.
  • Ensure the inmate is immediately escorted to on-scene medical personnel by a supervisor and the appropriate number of personnel who were not directly involved with the extraction
  • Ensure all force reporting is completed in accordance with the MPP
  • Provide the unit commander with a comprehensive memorandum documenting the circumstances of the extraction.


The station watch commander may request an extraction team from Custody Operations to perform the extraction. Personnel from Twin Towers Correctional Facility (TTCF), Men's Central Jail (MCJ), or North County Correctional Facility (NCCF) can be used to perform extractions. The station watch commander shall contact the appropriate custody facility watch commander to request an extraction team to respond. TTCF and MCJ shall handle extraction requests from stations located south of the California 118 Freeway and NCCF shall handle extraction requests from stations north of the California 118 Freeway. Custody extraction teams shall comply with Custody Division Manual (CDM) extraction procedures.

In cases where the extraction is performed by a Custody Operations Extraction Team and force is used, the responding custody facility will prepare and submit a "Supervisor's Report, Use of Force" (SH-R-438) package. The use of force investigation shall be completed and reviewed by the responding custody facility’s unit commander.


Court Removal Orders and Subpoenas

In the event the extraction is based upon a court removal order or subpoena, the watch commander shall contact the judge of the concerned court. The judge shall be advised force may be necessary to extract the inmate from a confined area to ensure the court appearance. The judge will be offered an opportunity to enforce, rescind, or delay the removal order. If the judge orders the inmate to appear in court, the inmate shall be extracted on the verbal order of the court. Authorization for the removal from the judge may be relayed and accepted via the court clerk or bailiff. Following the verbal order, the judge will send a facsimile of a minute order requiring the inmate's appearance in court to the unit commander of the concerned station.

In the event  the judge of the concerned court is not available, the watch commander shall make every effort to contact the presiding judge of the court and follow the same procedures. A record of all contacts between stations, custody facilities, and courts, along with copies of minute orders, shall be included in any subsequent use of force documentation.

Immediate Extractions

In life-threatening circumstances, staff shall not wait for a supervisor unless they lack the staff to conduct the extraction. The watch commander or on-site supervisor may authorize staff to conduct an immediate extraction when there is a life-threatening or exigent circumstance, such as when the behavior of an inmate constitutes an immediate and serious threat to the safety of that inmate, staff, visitors, other inmates (e.g. inciting behavior, assaults, and/or suicide attempts), or to the institution (e.g., controlling disturbances, including the massive destruction of property or jeopardizing institutional security).

Nothing in this policy precludes personnel from entering any confined area to execute the rescue of an inmate in the event of exigent or life-threatening circumstances. However, any such actions by staff must be clearly articulable and the watch commander, on-site supervisor, or staff must document the life-threatening or exigent circumstance. Additionally, staff must ensure radio communication of the emergency and sufficient personnel are present to safely execute the removal.

Controlled Extractions

Controlled extractions occur in situations where there is no immediate threat to loss of life or institutional security. Controlled extractions may only be authorized by the watch commander and are prompted by circumstances that create safety, security, or operational concerns. In no case shall any of these measures regarding extraction, or any kind of use of force (including the use of chemical agents), be used to punish an inmate for refusing to comply. Refer to CDM section 5-12/005.05, "Anti-Retaliation Policy."