3-06/140.05 Rescue Tool/Safety Cutter

Department-issued rescue tools/safety cutters are authorized for use within Custody Operations. Personnel shall exercise diligence in the control and use of the rescue tools/safety cutters.

 Personally-owned rescue tools/safety cutters or any cutting instruments consisting of a sharp blade with a point are not permitted within any secured area of Custody Operations. (Refer to Custody Division Manual [CDM] section 3-01/090.00, “Security of Personal Property.”)

 The following are the approved rescue tools/safety cutters available for use within Custody Operations facilities and station jails:

  • Blackhawk Hawkhook
  • Benchmade Houdini Pro
  • Leatherman Raptor

 The approved rescue tools/safety cutters may be ordered by any custody facility and station jail.


 Unit commanders shall establish unit orders addressing the tracking, identification, issuance, and security of the rescue tools/safety cutters. All rescue tools/safety cutters shall be attached to a soldered key block/ring and shall contain a tag indicating the rescue tool/safety cutter number on the key block/ring for security and inventory purposes.

 Each facility shall maintain an inventory log of the issued rescue tool/safety cutter containing the following:

  • Personnel assigned the rescue tool
  • Serial number of the rescue tool

 The inventory log shall be maintained once per shift on a daily basis.


 Custody personnel who have lost or notice a missing rescue tool/safety cutter within the facility shall immediately notify the watch commander. (Refer to CDM section 4-01/030.00, "Lockdown.")

 Compliance with this policy will be audited, at minimum, once per year during the facility's annual security inspection.