3-06/140.00 Edged Weapons Within Security

Personnel shall be prohibited from bringing any cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade, point, or any object that can be considered an edged weapon (e.g., knives, razor blades, box cutters, etc.) within the secured areas of Custody Operations.

 Exceptions to this policy are:

  • Authorized knives used within kitchen areas
  • Authorized gardening equipment
  • Rounded scissors consisting of no point (e.g., scissors used for removing wristbands and unauthorized clotheslines, cutting tools in emergency response kits, etc.)
  • Maintenance equipment
  • Department-issued rescue tools and safety cutters authorized per Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 3-06/140.05, “Rescue Tool/Safety Cutter”

In accordance with CDM sections 3-06/090.00, “Security of Tools” and 5-01/020.00, “Inmate Worker Assignments,” inmates who are issued any edged object which can be utilized as a weapon shall be under direct visual observation by Department personnel or by a Department-authorized teacher or certified operator at all times.

When not in use, edged objects and tools shall be secured in areas of the facility not accessible to inmates. Each object or tool shall be collected at the end of each shift and accounted for in the facility’s electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL). Unit commanders shall ensure inventory logs of edged objects and tools in use in their facilities are regularly maintained and audited.

Maintenance personnel shall obtain authorization from the concerned watch commander prior to bringing non-Department-issued edged objects or tools within secured areas of custody facilities. The watch commander shall ensure the entry and removal of edged objects and tools are logged by appropriate designated personnel (e.g. facility main control, facility logistics office, etc.). Facility personnel shall adhere to procedures delineated in CDM section 3-06/100.00, “Security Check After Repairs,” following any maintenance or repair work in their areas of assignment.