6-09/060.00 Arrests on Juvenile Warrants and Orders

Juveniles detained as a result of a warrant or violation of court ordered conditions of release shall be immediately taken to court. If the court is not in session, the juvenile shall be transported by the arresting deputy and detained at a juvenile facility. A copy of the warrant or abstract shall be left at the juvenile facility.

Deputies shall transport the juvenile to the appropriate juvenile facility, and shall furnish the Probation Officer at the juvenile facility with a Juvenile Hall Entrance Record (76E608J).

Violation of conditions of probation as enumerated in a JAI printout will be handled as described in 625 and 626 WIC.


Warrants of arrest issued by another California county for juveniles within Los Angeles County shall be handled the same as those issued in this County. The unit having final assignment of the warrant shall be responsible for the disposition of the warrant (i.e., notification to the out-of-county agency, transporting, arranging for transportation, or return of the un-served warrant).

All warrants for juveniles issued by a California court must be issued by a juvenile court, unless the juvenile has been declared unfit.


Superior Courts will issue valid warrants for a juvenile when, at the time of issuance of the warrant, the court had information indicating the juvenile was 18 years or older. The majority of these warrants will be issued by the Superior Court, Traffic Division. Warrants issued by these courts are valid warrants and must be handled as such. When a juvenile is arrested on an adult court warrant, the juvenile must appear before the court of issuance in order for the court to certify the juvenile to Juvenile Court or Juvenile Court, Traffic (603 WIC).

Bail can be posted, if bail is set on the warrant, the juvenile shall be released in the same manner as an adult. When bail is not set or not posted and the court is in session, the juvenile will be transported to court by station personnel.

All stations will send these juveniles to a juvenile facility. The Detention Control Officer will retain the juvenile at the juvenile facility or issue a written promise to appear.