6-09/050.00 Notification to Parent or Legal Guardian and Telephone Calls

Deputies taking a juvenile into custody shall notify the parents, guardians, or persons having custody of the child without unnecessary delay. When such notification is not possible, the reason shall be stated in the Complaint Report per 627(b) and 308(a) WIC.

It shall be the watch commander's responsibility to notify parents and/or guardians in the event of serious illness or injury of a juvenile.

The juvenile shall be advised of the right to complete three local telephone calls immediately after being taken to a place of confinement and, except where physically impossible, no later than one hour after the subject has been taken into custody per 308(b) and 627(b) WIC. One call must be completed to a parent, guardian, a responsible relative, or an employer; another call may be completed to an attorney. The calls shall be placed in the presence of custody personnel. Note on the BP&R if the phone calls were completed or refused.