5-03/150.00 Intoxicated Inmates

When custody personnel identify an inmate who is intoxicated (under the influence of alcohol or drugs to a point where the inmate is unable to exercise care for his or her safety), the inmate shall be separated and placed in area under unobstructed, continuous but not necessarily uninterrupted visual observation. Refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 4-11/030.00, "Inmate Safety Checks." The deputy identifying the intoxicated inmate shall document his/her observations as noted below. The deputy shall also take note of the inmate's objective symptoms of intoxication (e.g. slurred speech, droopy or watery eyes, the odor of an alcoholic beverage on their breath or person, an unsteady gait, etc.) and immediately notify a sergeant of their findings. It is recommended that a portable video camera be used to document the incident, refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) 7-06/010.00 "Video Recording Procedures."

Consideration should be given to having the inmate complete a Preliminary Alcohol-Screening (PAS) test in an effort to establish the inmate's blood alcohol level.


If the inmate is visibly unable to balance themself, requests assistance with walking, or is restrained, it is recommended they be transported on a wheelchair, or gurney for their safety.

For inmates that are insubordinate or recalcitrant, CDM sections 7-04/000.00 "Escorting Procedures for Combative or Uncooperative Inmates" and 7-02/020.00 "Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates" shall be followed.

Medical Evaluation

All inmates discovered to be intoxicated shall be evaluated by medical personnel as soon as reasonably possible. Medical personnel will determine the treatment of the intoxicated inmate.


In all cases where an inmate is suspected of being intoxicated, an Inmate Injury/Illness Report Form (SH-J-212) shall be initiated by custody personnel. If medical personnel determine the inmate is intoxicated, applicable and appropriate information will be reported on the Injury/Illness Report Form. Once the medical evaluation and treatment of the inmate is completed, and prior to an inmate being returned to any housing location, medical personnel shall document the authorization for the inmate to return to housing on the Injury/Illness Report Form. Only medical personnel can authorize an inmate's return to a housing location.

When applicable, the incident should be documented in the Inmate Reports Tracking System (IRTS).

If the inmate is found in criminal possession of alcohol or drugs per 4573.8 PC, an incident report shall be written and any material of evidentiary value shall be booked into evidence as described in Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section 5-04/010.60 "Packaging of Evidence."