7-04/000.00 Escorting Procedures for Combative or Uncooperative Inmates

The following procedures are to be used in conjunction with all current use of force policies as well as all other applicable procedures, policies, and guidelines. At all times Department members shall employ appropriate defensive tactics and control techniques.

Uncooperative inmates being escorted shall be properly handcuffed and searched prior to movement. To reduce the opportunity for inmates to make false allegations, inmates shall be kept in normal traffic areas.

Inmates who are uncooperative and combative, or have a history of making false allegations, shall be escorted by a sergeant and two Department members, one member being a deputy. The sergeant shall ensure the movement is video recorded, refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) sections 7-02/020.00 “Handling Insubordinate, Recalcitrant, Hostile, or Aggressive Inmates” and 7-06/010.00 “Video Recording Procedures.”

Personnel involved in an incident/altercation with a recalcitrant, uncooperative, or combative inmate shall not be part of the escorting team.

These procedures extend to the transport of combative or uncooperative inmates to or from any outside custody, court, or medical facility. Upon arrival, the escorting sergeant shall notify the receiving sergeant of the inmate's combative or uncooperative behavior. In the event that no receiving sergeant is available, the escorting sergeant shall remain with the inmate until such time as a receiving sergeant becomes available.

No section of this policy is intended to preclude Department personnel from making contrary decisions due to exigent/unique circumstances.