4-11/025.00 electronic-Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL)

The e-UDAL is a web application utilized within Custody Division and all station jails in Field Operations Division for record keeping, inmate tracking, as well as accurate and timely data entry.  The use of the e-UDAL is mandatory and shall be utilized in place of the Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) printed book logs.  However, all respective facilities shall maintain sufficient supply of the paper logs to allow continued documentation in the event there is a system failure.

The e-UDAL application has been expanded for station jails to include electronic Gatebook entry as well as Juvenile Logs, Bail Deviation Log, Food Temperature and Food Handler, Hygiene Daily Log and station statistics.

Refer to "Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Title 15 e-UDAL Manual" for instructions on the use of the e-UDAL system.