4-11/020.00 Uniform Daily Activity Log

Note: The following policy regarding the Uniform Daily Activity Log refers to the pre-printed Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) books and the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL). In the event that there is a problem with the e-UDAL system, each facility shall maintain a sufficient supply of UDAL books.

The Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) is an official housing location record of daily inmate activities, incidents, and special concerns. The log provides a means to document and evaluate compliance with Minimum Standards for Local Detention Facilities, Title 15 of the California Code of Regulations, and with Division policy and Unit Orders. It also provides a means to identify patterns of inmate conduct, and maintain accountability for on-site safety equipment and operations.

The Uniform Daily Activity Log is also utilized to verify facility compliance during inspections, audits, or in legal proceedings. It is the responsibility of all custody line staff and supervisors to make sure accurate and consistent documentation is entered using the UDAL system.

Whenever custody personnel contact support staff (i.e. medical, mental health, maintenance, chaplain, etc.) to report an issue, custody personnel shall document the name and employee number of the person contacted, as well as the time contact was made, in the UDAL.


In order to accurately capture the times of any event, such as inmate activities, incidents, additional information, etc., it is imperative for custody personnel to document the actual time of the event without rounding the times up or down (Example: Pill Call actually occurred from 0803-0826 must be entered as "0803-0826" and not "0800-0825").

Custody personnel who have been issued iPods and are assigned to High Observation Housing (HOH) modules shall use the device as a primary means of documenting and recording inmate activities. When using the device, the iPod will capture the actual times the event(s) occurred. If the iPod is non-functional, due to equipment/network failure, custody personnel from the respective HOH area shall revert to entering activity times in the electronic Uniform Daily Activity Log (e-UDAL) directly, submit a request through e-UDAL Help Desk, and document the issue and request into the assigned e-UDAL.

Custody housing personnel, movement personnel, prowlers, supervisors, and other officers, having oversight for the housing area and for the inmates housed therein, are responsible for making complete and legible entries in the UDAL throughout the shift as follows:

Field Name



The name of the facility that the log is assigned.

Housing Location

The dorm, module, barrack, or cellblock that the log is assigned.


The numerical Month/Day/Year in 00/00/0000 format.


The day of the week.


The mandated capacity of the housing area that the log is assigned, refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 3-08/000.00, “Facility Capacities.”

Required Count

List the required counts.


Record the number of vacant beds, non-working beds, and non-bunk sleepers.


Record the condition of the equipment in the housing area.

Housing Conditions

Record the conditions of the housing areas.

Inmate Activities

Record the time that the activity occurred. (Note: Regardless of shift, the first occurrence of the activity should be recorded in the first column.)

Medical and Psychological Events

Record any medical and/or psychological events, including a brief description about the inmate and the incident.

Record the names, employee numbers, and times contacted of all medical and mental health staff to whom custody personnel reported inmate issues/incidents.

Reviewed By

Supervising line deputies and floor sergeants shall visit each housing area(s) under their supervision to review and audit the UDAL as often as required in CDM section 4-11/030.00, “Inmate Safety Checks.”

Inmate Grievance Forms

Signed by the supervisor who retrieved the grievance forms. This is to include the number of forms that were retrieved.

Title 15 Scanner

Record the serial number that is on the assigned Title 15 scanner and the working condition of the scanner.

Reviewed by Watch Commander

Each shift watch commander shall review the UDAL in each housing area(s) under their supervision as often as required in the Custody Division Manual.


Any additional information pertaining to the module shall be entered in the "Additional Information" portion of the UDAL. Line staff shall also document visits or tours conducted by supervisors (above the rank of sergeant) to their respective housing unit in this section.


Supervising line deputies will visit housing area(s) under their supervision once per shift, duties permitting, to review and audit the UDAL, checking for accuracy and completeness. Supervising line deputies shall be aware of entries involving security issues, cleanliness, and compliance with Title 15 standards. Supervising line deputies shall note the time of the visit in the UDAL, and sign the log with his or her first and last name, and employee number.


A shift floor sergeant shall conduct unannounced checks of each housing area(s) under their supervision not less than once per shift to review the UDAL. During this check, the UDAL shall be checked for accuracy, and to ensure all inmate safety checks and other required officer activities are conducted and documented properly. The sergeant shall note any items in the UDAL that need corrective action, and what corrective action has been taken to resolve the problem. The sergeant shall brief module personnel of the review. If any deficiencies are identified, the sergeant shall include discussion of them in his/her briefing and shall also discuss the importance of conducting proper safety checks. If a safety check is being conducted or due at the time the sergeant conducts the check, he or she shall monitor the safety check to ascertain the quality of the check. The sergeant shall document the briefing both in the "Additional Information" portion of the UDAL as well as validate the review was conducted by filling in the "Safety Check Review" check box in the UDAL.

The sergeant will note the time of the visit in the UDAL, and sign the log with his or her first and last name, and employee number. When the floor sergeant or supervisor conducting the unannounced check is presented with the screen for signing the e-UDAL, he or she shall check the box titled "Safety Check Review."

When rolling over the check box area, a screen appears alerting the sergeant or supervisor that checking the box signifies the following:

  1. If the supervisor happens to have arrived while a check is conducted or was immediately about to occur during his or her unannounced visit, the supervisor monitored part or all of the check and briefed housing location personnel on his or her observations.
  2. The supervisor reviewed the safety check log in the e-UDAL and if the first criteria above did not apply (No. 1), the supervisor briefed housing location personnel on his or her observations.
  3. If any deficiencies regarding the safety checks were identified, the supervisor briefed housing location personnel on the importance of timely and quality Title 15 safety checks.
  4. The supervisor made an entry in the e-UDAL comments/notes, such as "safety check briefing conducted," along with any noted deficiencies as required by current policy.


The shift watch commander, or other assigned personnel at the minimum rank of lieutenant, shall conduct unannounced checks a minimum of one time per week in each housing area. During the watch commander checks, the watch commander shall conduct once a week checks to assist in deterring sexual abuse and sexual harassment. The watch commander shall make reasonable efforts to ensure facility security, and identify and deter sexual abuse and sexual harassment in the area. The watch commander shall also review the UDAL by noting the time and signing the log with his or her first and last name, and employee number. In addition to signing the UDAL, the watch commander shall also document the review in the "Watch Commander's Shift Summary" log.

All supervisors/managers shall be responsible for taking positive corrective action and providing necessary training when errors or omissions occur in the UDAL.


All Uniform Daily Activity Log (UDAL) books shall be maintained at the facility for a period of five years.