The Lead Deputy will begin with the multi-man compartment. The multi-man compartment will always be off loaded first. Deputies are not to enter the inmate compartment of the bus with inmates still seated in this section.
The Lead Deputy will instruct the first chain of inmates to stand. He will visually check their handcuffs to ensure they are still secure. He will open the gate and allow the chain to pass. The first backup Deputy will remain in the Security Officer's area ready to respond, if necessary with pepper spray, to any adverse situation. The second backup Deputy on the stairs will retreat down the stairs and off the bus, keeping visual contact of the chain of inmates. The backup deputies staged outside the bus will take control of the chained inmates and place them in a secured holding area, or have them sit on the ground, depending on the situation.
Once the multi-man compartment is empty, if the situation is under control, proceed to the two-man cages. Using the same procedures, off load the inmates. If the disturbance has continued, go directly to the door of the general population section. The Lead Deputy will continue to control the cage door.The next two backup deputies will move to the multi-man compartment ready to respond if necessary with pepper spray. The backup Deputy on the stairs will move up to the Security Officer's area. One of the backup deputies staged outside the bus will move up to the stairs.
Off load the general population section using the same procedures as the multi-man section. One chain at a time, visually check the handcuffs and off load from front to back.