86-011 Notification and Reporting of Significant Incidents



This Directive establishes procedures regarding the notification and reporting of significant incidents. All policies, Field Operations Directives, Unit Orders, or any other document previously written which contradicts procedures set forth in this Directive shall be void. Procedures set forth in this Directive shall remain in effect until the Manual of Policy and Procedures is amended and/or this Directive is rescinded.


The purpose of the Operational Log is to document incidents, actions, or events beyond the normal scope of routine Department operations and to immediately inform the Sheriff, Undersheriff, Assistant Sheriffs, and Division Chiefs regarding this information. The Media Section of the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau has the responsibility of maintaining the Operational Log 24 hours a day. Entries to the Operational Log shall be made by telephone to the Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau and require a detailed memorandum to the appropriate Division Headquarters.

An Operational Log entry is not automatically considered Code 20 information, and conversely, a press notification (Code 20) is not an automatic Operational Log entry. If a unit desires a Code 20, they must request both an Operational Log and a Code 20. It is the responsibility of the reporting unit to determine whether or not information should be distributed to the media as a press release.

This directive does not change any Code 20 procedure.

The Unit Watch Commander is responsible for promptly notifying Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau of unusual incidents requiring an Operational Log entry.

Support units shall ascertain from Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau if an appropriate and timely log entry has been made by the unit Watch Commander of the unit being assisted. If one has not been made, the support unit shall confer with the unit Watch Commander to ensure that a log entry is made.

The following are examples of the types of incidents which require an Operational Log entry:

  • Arrest or detention of an employee
  • Death or serious injury (hospitalization) to an employee, on or off-duty
  • Employee relieved of duty (Confidential log entry)
  • Deputy-involved shooting
  • Employee-involved traffic collisions with serious injuries (hospitalization)
  • Homicides and kidnaping
  • Significant narcotic arrests/seizures
  • Special Weapons Team Responses
  • Plane crashes
  • Disasters
  • Riots (minor inmate disturbances do not require a log entry)
  • Escapes (including significant attempts)
  • Arson
  • Hate crimes
  • Terrorist activities
  • Significant incidents in custodial facilities
  • Tactical responses from one Department unit to another Department unit
  • Non-routine assistance to other law enforcement agencies (mutual aid)
  • Interviews by the media on Department policy matters or significant incidents
  • Facility inspections by other county or government agencies
  • Major mechanical failure in any Department facility that impacts services
  • Local court decisions affecting the Department (injunctions, decision in false arrest suit, etc.)
  • Significant decisions of the Civil Service Commission which might affect Department policy
  • Any significant incident involving a contract city or an elected official (local election results, etc.)
  • Inmate death (natural, accidental, homicide and/or suicide)
  • Any other unusual event that would be of interest to the Sheriff or Department Executives.


The purpose of sending a detailed Chief’s memorandum via e-mail to Region or Division Headquarters is to notify the Region's or Division’s Executives of current notable activities. It is not merely an extension of the operational log but a separate, complete memorandum. Timeliness is exceedingly important in submitting a Chief’s memorandum.

Chief’s memoranda should not be sent to Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau unless there is an absolute need to do so.

Significant incidents which require a Chief’s memorandum include:

  • All incidents wherein a Sheriff's Operational Log entry, Confidential Log entry, or 4 x 6 information card has been made with Sheriff's Headquarters Bureau. Note: Per FOD 01-02, a Chief’s memorandum shall not be written by the involved unit on a deputy-involved shooting.
  • Acts or attempted acts of violence with racial and/or political terrorist implication.


All memoranda containing confidential intelligence information from informants, other than Department personnel, shall not include the names or addresses of such informants. Reference shall be made to the fact that the information was received from an informant.

It will be the responsibility of authorized personnel to obtain identifying information from the originator of the memorandum orally rather than in writing. This will serve to protect the identity of the informant.


Week Day Operation

When an incident occurs between 0800 hours and 1700 hours, excluding holidays and weekends, that requires an Operational Log entry or Chief’s memorandum to Region or Division Headquarters, the unit's Area Commander shall be immediately notified. Any additional notifications shall be at the direction of the Area Commander.

Week Night Operation

When an incident occurs between 1700 hours and 0800 hours, excluding holidays and weekends, that requires an Operational Log entry or a Chief’s memorandum to Region or Division Headquarters, the Duty Commander shall be immediately notified if:

  • The presence of the Duty Commander is needed
  • A decision by, or consultation with, the Duty Commander is necessary
  • It is necessary to notify higher level Department Executives

The Duty Commander may be contacted through Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.

Weekend and Holiday Operation

When an incident occurs on weekends or holidays that requires an Operational Log entry or Chief’s memorandum to Region or Division Headquarters, the Department Duty Commander shall be notified if:

  • The presence of the Duty Commander is needed
  • A decision by, or consultation with the Duty Commander is necessary
  • It is necessary to notify higher level Department Executives

The Duty Commander may be contacted through Sheriff’s Headquarters Bureau.