86-047 Contract City Special Event Overtime Administration


The purpose of Contract City Special Event Overtime (CCSE) is to provide unit commanders with the flexibility needed to meet unexpected or unique contract city requests for policing services which can only be handled on an overtime basis. The cost to the Department for the overtime expended to provide these services is offset by supplemental contract city billings. This overtime expenditure is not intended to impact the Station's normal allotment for training, court appearances, workload, vacancies, or unusual occurrences.

To qualify for Contract City Special Event Overtime funding, a city request should meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • A one-time unique event.
    • Example – Footbeats or fixed post security for a public festival.
  • An event that occurs at irregular intervals.
    • Example – Mall security or traffic control during peak shopping periods.
  • An event that occurs at regular intervals, but is beyond the scope of services normally provided under the existing contracted service level for patrol.
    • Examples:
      • Deputies attending monthly breakfast meetings with city officials.
      • Crowd and traffic control  for  swap  meets  or  other private business activities that cause public disturbances or traffic congestion, and only when the service is requested and paid for by the city.

Note: Contracting with private entities is permitted under Section 53069.8 of the California Government Code. A contract city should not generally be involved in this process. Private entity contracts are dealt with under separate cover (refer to Field Operations Directive 86-17, Private Entity Contract Overtime Administration).

Four additional conditions must exist before a request is eligible for CCSE overtime funding:

  1. The city is requesting services that are beyond the ability of the station to provide within its overtime allotment.
  2. The city is willing to pay for all costs expended by the Sheriff's Department to provide the service.  Billing rates to cities include salary and wages at premium rates and appropriate indirect charges. The personnel who work contract city special events do so in addition to their normal patrol assignment at the station. Therefore, they provide the service to the contract city on a paid overtime basis. All CCSE overtime shall be worked in addition to normal assignments authorized for each contract city pursuant to the County/City General Services Agreement. CCSE overtime projects may not be utilized to replace or supplant services which require regularly full-time deputy personnel.
  3. The extra service will be performed for the benefit of the general public.
  4. The service can be provided within the authority of the service agreement presently in force between the requesting city and the county.

If an event is particularly large or unique in scope, it usually requires a special contract. Examples of this category include the Tournament of Roses Parade and Rose Bowl game and the West Hollywood Christopher Street West Parade.

The CCSE Overtime Fund shall not be used for the following:

  • Any service, routine or otherwise, that is normally provided under the existing General Services Agreement with the city.
  • Services to School Districts. These services may be provided under separate contracts entered into between the county and the individual school district.
  • To provide services directly to private business, such as drive-in theaters, without contract city involvement as the sponsoring authority.
  • Direct compensation of employees by contract cities. Personnel shall not work for direct compensation from the cities. This is a violation of the Department’s services agreement and it creates ambiguity in the area of liability.  Where private business operations, by their very nature, generate conditions that may be dangerous or harmful to the general public welfare, contract cities may request the service under the authority of their existing contracts with the Sheriff's Department.  Contract cities may also seek reimbursement from private entities for costs incurred by contracting for the services under the provisions of the General Services Agreement.

Control Numbers, Billing and Timekeeping Procedures

When a contract city requests supplemental services meeting the specified CCSE criteria, authorized station personnel shall obtain a CCSE control number through the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau. The CCSE control number is required in order for the station timekeeper to enter any CCSE information into the County Wide Timekeeping and Payroll Personnel System (CWTAPPS). The CCSE control number should be used on all correspondence regarding the particular event.

The information required for the Contract City Special Event tracking program includes:

  • Station Provider (Station)
  • Personnel requesting the CCSE number
  • Contract city name
  • Event date(s)
  • Event location

Overtime Worked Reports (SH-R-251) shall be approved and forwarded to the Station's timekeeper for recording. The Overtime Worked Reports shall indicate overtime code #902 "Special Event Contract," and specify the contract city name, event name and the control number for each event. Exception: Personnel assigned to units other than the primary station shall have overtime slips approved by the event coordinator at the primary station providing the service. Personnel working the CCSE will be responsible for turning the approved Overtime Worked Report form in to his/her assigned unit's timekeeper.

Note: Originals or copies of Overtime Worked Reports (SH-R-251) for either regular full-time employees or for Reserve Deputies who work contract city special events are not to be forwarded to the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau.

The unit commander shall, within five days following the conclusion of the CCSE, send a memo to the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau indicating the time expended on behalf of the CCSE. The memo shall also include:

  • City name
  • Event name
  • Control number
  • Employees' names, ranks, and employee numbers
  • Total hours worked per employee (by date if event covers two or more days.
  • Each deputy's home unit of assignment
  • Type, vehicle number and mileage of any County vehicle utilized during the event.

Note: Contract Law Personnel will not issue new control numbers to contracting stations/units when such units have delinquent billing memos for previous events worked.

Reserve Deputies may legally work paid assignments for contract city special events. The following guidelines apply:

  • All paid assignments for Reserve Deputies must comply with Manual of Policy and Procedures Section 3-02/020.25, Paid Assignments for Reserve Deputies.
  • All CCSE procedures regarding the completion of overtime slips and the reporting of CCSE services provided apply to Reserve Deputies.
  • A "Time Correction" form shall be prepared for all Reserve Deputy personnel working a CCSE for which they are to be paid. The Time Correction form will be submitted along with all other documents forwarded to the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau. Because station timekeepers cannot enter paid time for Reserve Deputies, the Time Correction form is the document used by the Payroll Unit to enter Reserve Deputies' time for paid assignments into CWTAPPS. Blank Time Corrections forms are available from the Payroll Unit or Contract Law Enforcement Bureau.

Rates charged for contract city special events are determined by the Auditor- Controller and recover the cost of providing this specific type of contract service. Current rates can be obtained through the Contract Law Enforcement Bureau.