86-049 Crisis Negotiations Support


It is the policy of the Sheriff's Department to attempt a peaceful resolution of barricade and hostage incidents through the technique of negotiating. The Crisis Negotiations Team (CNT) carries out this policy.

Because the CNT is decentralized, much of its support must come from a team member's home unit or the unit handling a crisis incident. When response to an incident occurs outside a team member's normal work hours, resulting overtime must necessarily be incurred by the member's regular unit of assignment. Other support may be in the form of the temporary loan of Department vehicles, radios or other equipment.

On occasion, the investigative effort that is required at the scene of the hostage incident is beyond the ability of the CNT, all of whom have specific responsibilities. This may occur when there are multiple hostages and/or suspects, with no indication as to who they may be. On these occasions, the CNT leader will contact the Watch Commander of the concerned station and request investigative support. This support may be in the form of station detectives, a Safe Streets Bureau team, or any other investigative personnel.  If no investigative personnel are available on duty, it is necessary that the required personnel shall be called to duty.

Should the incident occur in an independent city, the issue of who provides investigative support shall be decided by the ranking member of this Department in consideration with the concerned police representative on the scene.