The purpose of this Field Operations Directive is to provide policy, guidelines, and procedures to field personnel who will be trained and equipped with the radiation pager during normal patrol duties.
In a continual effort to prepare for terrorist incidents involving chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear weapons (CBRN), the Department has purchased radiation pagers for field personnel to provide early detection of unexpected potential-radiation involved situations.
The radiation pager is an x-ray and gamma radiation detector specifically designed for use in the detection and location of radiological materials. Radiation is not detectable by human senses. The source of radiation can come in liquid, powder, or solid forms but are generally metallic. They come in all shapes and sizes and are not recognizable unless marked as such.
The Department provides standardized training for patrol personnel in the use of the radiation pager. This training includes a DVD video on the use and functions of the radiation pager. Each station has been provided with a DVD video and shall make it available to their personnel. Department personnel shall not use, operate, or deploy the radiation pager without having first viewed the DVD video.
Department personnel shall not change the alarm setting on the radiation pager. The radiation pager is already set to the highest possible alarm setting to avoid unnecessary alarms. The radiation pager is very sensitive and will detect extremely low levels of radiation long before it is harmful to a deputy.
Department personnel should avoid getting any closer to a radioactive source that triggers a radiation pager reading of “8" (radiation intensity of approximately 2 milli R/Hr), even though a sustained “8" is well below a harmful level.
Patrol Deputy’s Responsibility
Each patrol unit shall deploy one radiation pager as their routine daily equipment. Only one deputy per patrol unit shall deploy the radiation pager. The radiation pager may be worn on the belt, carried in a pocket, or deployed in the passenger compartment of the radio car.
If the alarm sounds on the radiation pager, the deputy shall do the following:
Field Sergeant’s Responsibility
The field sergeant shall ensure that a radiation pager is deployed with each unit and that personnel are familiar with the contents of this directive.
Unit’s Responsibility
Each unit shall ensure that only trained personnel are deployed with radiation pagers. Units shall be responsible for supplying batteries for the pagers. Damaged radiation pagers shall be returned to Emergency Operations Bureau.
Attachment “A” Operation of the Radiation Pager
MPP §2-11/040.00 Emergency Operations Bureau (added responsibility to EOB)
MPP §4-26/011.50 Weapons of Mass Destruction MPP §5-06/070.15 Weapons of Mass Destruction
MPP §5-06/070.20 Weapons of Mass Destruction, Definitions MPP §5-06/070.25 CBRN Evacuation Considerations
MPP §5-06/070.30 CBRN Coordination Requirements MPP §5-06/080.15 CBRN Hazmat Detail
EOP §4-3, Weapons of Mass Destruction