8-01/000.00 Preamble to the Inmate Grievance Policy

The policy of Custody Operations is to provide inmates the means for expressing and resolving grievances and an administrative mechanism for review of Departmental policies, decisions, actions, conditions, or omissions that have a material adverse effect on their health, safety, welfare, participation and/or access to programs.

The purpose of this policy is to establish and maintain a fair, objective and effective grievance process through which resolutions of inmate grievances are achieved at the lowest possible administrative level with timely responses to the aggrieved, and affording reasonable opportunities to appeal to the next level of review.

Resolutions to grievances and appeals shall focus on correcting an identified problem.

Except where specified by this policy, the subsequent procedures shall be applicable to non-medical and non-mental health inmate requests, grievances, and appeals.

For information regarding healthcare inmate requests, grievances, and appeals, refer to section 8-03/020.00, "Healthcare Grievances."