8-01/005.00 Filing of Requests, Grievances, and Appeals

Any inmate desiring to request a service, information, or file a grievance regarding an issue related to his or her confinement shall be permitted, and instructed as necessary, to initiate an Inmate Request Form, Inmate Grievance Form, and/or appeal to the next level of review through the procedures established in this policy. Completed forms can be submitted by placing them in any of the secured inmate grievance boxes located throughout the jail, or by handing them to any custody staff member, or supervisor. In addition, inmate requests, grievances, and appeals can be registered through the use of computer tablets available to inmates at various jail locations.

When submitting requests, grievances, or appeals, the inmate shall describe the specific issue and the relief and/or information requested. In order to ensure the orderly processing of requests, grievances, and appeals, and to afford handling personnel adequate time to address them, inmates shall only place a single issue on each request, grievance, or appeal form.

Inmates who are unable to complete a written or electronic form because of a disability, language barrier, or illiteracy may raise grievances or requests verbally, and Department personnel shall assist these inmates with completing the form. Any question regarding the level of assistance to be provided to an inmate with a disability shall be resolved by summoning the assistance of Correctional Health Services personnel.

Department members shall make every effort to address an inmate grievance regardless of the language or categorization of the grievance by the inmate.

If an inmate submits a written request or grievance on some other form, personnel who retrieved it shall return it to the inmate along with the correct blank form and provide the inmate with assistance to complete it as needed.

Procedures established by this policy do not preclude an inmate’s ability to express their concerns informally through day to day interactions with staff or during periodic Town Hall meetings. Refer to CDM section 5-14/005.00, "Town Hall Meetings."