7-08/010.00 Authorized Special Weapons

The following list constitutes the less lethal special weapons and chemical agents (and the policies governing their use) which can be deployed pursuant to the Custody Division Manual (CDM) section 7-08/000.00, "Deployment of Special Weapons":



Chemical Agents

CDM 7-05/000.00 "Chemical Agents"
MPP 5-06/040.45 "Use of Chemical Agents"

Aerosol Chemical Agents

  • MK-46
  • OC/CS Aerosol Grenades

CDM 7-05/010.00 "Aerosol Chemical Agents"

Pepperball Launchers

CDM 7-08/020.00 "Pepperball Launchers"

Baton Launchers

CDM 7-08/060.00 "Baton Launching Weapon Systems"
MPP 5-06/040.15 "Baton Launching Platforms"

Baton Munitions

CDM 7-08/040.00 "Specialty Impact Munitions"

Less Lethal Grenades

CDM 7-08/050.00 "Less Lethal Grenades"

Fabrique Nationale Herstal 303 (FN 303)

CDM 7-08/090.00 "Less Lethal Launchers"



NOTE: Both the TASER and the Mark 9 shall not be classified as a Special Weapon and may be carried by all personnel in compliance with CDM section 7-08/030.00, "Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures" and 7-05/010.00, "Aerosol Chemical Agents." For a list of approved chemical agents by manufacturer and model, contact the Uniform and Safety Committee.

These weapons and chemical agents are considered less lethal. However, their potential to inflict serious or fatal injuries in certain circumstances must not be dismissed.

Members will be considered qualified to use these weapons only after attending, and successfully completing, a training class presented by the Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB).

Members shall be recertified annually with each special weapon by their respective training unit. Members are prohibited from using any special weapon unless they have been recertified.

Any additional special weapons and/or munitions considered for use within custody shall be evaluated by CTSB in conjunction with the Training Bureau Weapons Training Unit. Prior to use within any custody facility, additional weapons and/or munitions shall be approved by the Assistant Sheriff of Custody Operations.