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7-08/030.00 Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures

The TASER is a less lethal hand held electronic immobilization device used for controlling assaultive/high risk persons.

The purpose of the TASER is to facilitate a safe and effective response to situations which jeopardize the life and safety of personnel, inmates, the public, and/or the security and operations of custody facilities.

The TASER can be deployed on a routine basis with prior approval from the unit commander. If a TASER has been deployed, the sworn personnel issued the TASER shall be authorized to use it in compliance with the Department’s use of force policies and training.

Deputies shall carry the TASER on their support side (opposite duty firearm) in a holster. The weak side draw or cross draw methods are both acceptable.

All sworn personnel utilizing this weapon must do so when fully justified, and in conformance with:

  • Department Manual of Policy and Procedures (MPP) section, 5-06/040.95 "Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures"
  • Sworn personnel will be considered qualified to use the weapon only after attending, and successfully completing, the Department’s TASER training program presented under the direction of the Custody Training and Standards Bureau (CTSB)
  • Custody assistants working in a Custody Services Division facility are not authorized to utilize TASERs. This also applies to custody assistants who may have completed the Department’s TASER training program for use within other divisions of the Department
  • Custody assistants who have completed the Department’s TASER training program and are assigned to work in a Court Services Division lock-up or assigned as Patrol Operations station jailers may utilize TASERs in conformance with MPP section 5-06/040.95, “Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures”, all applicable Patrol Division Orders, and Court Services Division Manual section 1-04/030.00, “Conducted Electrical Weapon (C.E.W.)”
  • Departmentally approved TASERs may be purchased by sworn personnel
  • Personally owned TASERs may be carried only after the approval of their unit commander, inspection by CTSB, and successful completion of the Department’s TASER training program
    • Personally owned TASERs shall be numerically identifiable and available for computer download upon the request of a supervisor or during regular download intervals as defined in CDM section 7-08/030.05, "TASER Download Procedures"

In addition to the above procedures, sworn personnel utilizing this weapon in a Custody Services Division facility shall abide by the following:

  • At the beginning of every shift, deputies assigned to the TASER should remove the cartridge and display the electrical arc of the device in order to test the function of the TASER. This test shall be done out of the sight of inmates and in a safe manner. The result (ex: Taser tested successfully by Dep. Smith (#601010) at 0611 hours in the staff station.) shall be logged in the e-UDAL/UDAL in the "Additional Information" section
    • Any additional discharges of the TASER shall also be logged in the e-UDAL/UDAL along with the reason for the discharge (ex: Taser successfully tested by Dep. Smith (#601010) at 1114 hours in the staff station re: new battery)
  • If time and circumstances allow, deputies shall give a verbal warning prior to using the TASER on an inmate. Warnings shall be made in accordance with MPP section 5-06/040.95, "Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures" under "Verbal Warning"
  • If a verbal warning to the inmate does not result in compliance, or the situation escalates (and time and circumstances allow), deputies may, but are not required to, remove the cartridge from the front of the TASER and display the electrical arc in view of the inmate, in an effort to gain voluntary compliance. If the TASER is utilized in the above manner, and the TASER is not subsequently applied to the inmate, the operator shall verbally notify their immediate supervisor of the permanent rank of sergeant (or higher)
    • If the supervisor determines that verbal warnings or the displaying of the electrical arc resulted in a prevented use of force, this shall be documented per CDM section 7-01/010.05, "Reporting Prevented Uses of Force"
  • In any incident involving a crime report, including any in-custody death associated with the use of a TASER, the used TASER cartridges, wiring, and probes (after removal of the probes by medical personnel) shall be retained and booked as evidence

Any individual subjected to an application of the TASER, in either the "probe" or the "touch/drive stun" mode, shall be taken to a medical facility, for assessment, appropriate medical treatment and/or removal of the probes.

Per MPP section 5-06/040.95, "Electronic Immobilization Device (TASER) Procedures," except in emergent circumstances, the TASER should not be applied to the following or used in any other situation where there is a reasonably foreseeable likelihood of severe injury or death. In the extraordinary instance that Department personnel feel compelled to utilize the TASER in the following circumstances, the conduct of the involved personnel shall be evaluated in accordance to the Use of Force policy with sound tactical principles.

  • Handcuffed persons
  • Persons detained in a police vehicle
  • Persons detained in any booking or holding cell
  • Persons in control of a motor vehicle
  • Persons in danger of falling or becoming entangled in machinery or heavy equipment which could result in death or serious bodily injury
  • Persons near flammable or combustible fumes
  • Persons near any body of water that may present a drowning risk
  • Persons known to have a pacemaker or known to be pregnant

TASERs shall not be used against inmates in the following situations:

  • When an inmate is only resistive, and no longer assaultive or a danger to others
  • When custody personnel have specific knowledge that the inmate is known to suffer from medical conditions that may be aggravated or affected by such device
  • In a manner that contradicts the manufacturer’s recommendations or Department training. Department provided TASER training shall govern in the case of a conflict between Department training and manufacturer’s recommendations.

When time and circumstances permit, an inmate’s medical records should be checked before a TASER is used against the inmate. A TASER should not be used if it is contra-indicated in the inmate’s medical records unless it is necessary to prevent imminent loss of life or serious bodily injury.