7-03/020.00 Use of Force Against Restrained Inmates

Custody personnel shall not strike, use chemical agents, or use an electronic immobilization device (TASER) against an inmate who is restrained unless the inmate is assaultive and there is an immediate threat of injury to themselves, staff, or other inmates and unless there are no other reasonable means to control the inmate. If force is required against a restrained inmate, a sergeant shall be notified as soon as feasible and every effort shall be made to plan, supervise, and direct any force used, once feasible.

This section applies to inmates who have been placed in medically ordered restraints, refer to Custody Division Manual (CDM) section, 7-03/030.00 “Medically Ordered Restraint Devices” and to inmates who have been restrained for security reasons with handcuffs, a waist chain, safety chair, or any other type of restraint device.