6-02/000.00 Unit Commander

The safety and security of all individuals booked and housed at station jail facilities are a crucial responsibility of the unit commander. Each unit commander shall appoint a jail manager to operate and supervise the station jail. The appointed jail manager shall be the permanent rank of lieutenant.

The unit commander's responsibilities include but are not limited to:

The jail inspection reports conducted by the following agencies shall be included:

  • Review the sections of the Station Jail Manual that require station specific procedures (i.e., emergency procedures section). Unit commanders shall approve unit specific plans and place them at the end of each section wherever the phrase, "Refer to Station Specific Procedures" occurs;
  • Maintain a copy of the Public Information Plan at the station's public counter for review upon request;
  • Ensure current copies of jail inspection reports are maintained in the station jail.
    • County Health Services
    • Superior Court (Juvenile)
    • Institutional Inspection Committee
    • Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC)
    • State Fire Marshall
    • Sheriff's Department


The unit commander, or in his/her absence, the watch commander, may suspend any standard, requirement or procedure mandated by the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) or mandated by this manual, in any event which threatens the safety of any of its inmates, staff, or the public.

In the event of a suspension of standards, personnel shall comply with Title 15, Section 1012 of the California Code of Regulation. Additionally, the unit commander shall prepare a written report to the respective Patrol Division Chief. The report shall include the circumstances surrounding the suspension, duration, and cause.

A Department and unit operational log entry shall be completed. In the event the suspension lasts more than three days, it is the responsibility of the unit commander to notify the BSCC immediately. The notification shall include the circumstances listed above and addressed to the BSCC field representative:

FSO Field Representative
2590 Venture Oaks Way, Suite 200
Sacramento, CA 95833
Phone: (916) 324-1914
Fax: (916) 327-3317

Contact a Custody Support Services Bureau sergeant at [REDACTED TEXT] for the name of the current BSCC field representative.